
It must be winter.  We got up yesterday morning to snow.  Lots of it.  Again.  The snow from Christmas hadn't yet melted.  So we shoveled (The Husband loves his John Deere for plowing) and the piles at the edge of the driveway just got taller. (I'm barely over 5 feet and the pile is more than half my height, so it's getting deep!)

Then the wind came.  It started yesterday morning, then kept me awake in the night with the noise.  I even noticed a couple shingles on the neighbor's roof flapping a bit in the wind.  Today was garbage day and there wasn't a single trash (or recycling) bin standing all through the neighborhood - they've all blown over on their sides.  The interesting thing is that it's nearly 40 degrees outside.  Fairly warm for January.  So the snow is melting, everything is soggy wet.

Yup, that pile on the edge of the driveway is getting taller.
But tonight is predicted to be more snow, but a huge wet storm this time (and a low of 7 degrees).  I think we'll be out shoveling / plowing again tomorrow.  And what does it say about me that the weather is of such interest? I must be old.

Ran out for a couple errands and realized that one of the purposes of my errands was still at home sitting on the desk.  Yeah, I must be old.

I like routine.  It feels good to get back into a routine.  With just enough outside stuff to keep things interesting.  Yeah, I like it.

And I'm snug in our warm house, with comfy socks (and my Dansko shoes for support on my complaining feet) and a small cup of hot chocolate.  I've something good to read (and lots of other books to choose from if the one I'm working on doesn't turn out to be so good).  I've got cupboards to clean and sort through if I get tired of reading.  And my life feels somewhat luxurious.  What is it if it isn't luxury to be able to choose exactly what you want to do?

I'm so grateful that The Husband works from his home office and doesn't have to commute in snowy conditions.  The walk from the kitchen to his office is just the right length of commute.  I'm grateful for warmth when it's cold outside and for some chocolate to enhance the day.  I'm grateful for texted pictures of grandchildren and for hugs that warm my soul more than my body.

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