A Great Morning and If I Were In Charge

After checking the air quality I headed out on the trail.  It was a fabulous morning to be out.  I actually got to see the sun rise.  The breeze had pushed away the smoggy inversion.  It was warm - well warm for early February. The deer were out - I saw this group of ten deer that paid close attention when I talked to them. I arrived home rejuvenated and feeling quite chipper.  I've missed my outdoor morning walks.
I love that I could actually see the mountains!
And I've been noticing a few things around me that I'd change if I could.  Aside from (pretty much everyone's) hope of peace in the world, individuals getting along, cancer eradicated and all the usual lofty dreams of goodness in the world - if I were in charge:

• All containers of liquids / creams would be translucent, so as to easily see how much product is left inside.

• Batteries would never run down, lightbulbs would never burn out and cars would never run out of gas.

Yes, those deer are listening to me.
• Teeth would never decay, toes would never break and feet would never get blisters.

• Hair would be the perfect kind for each individual - thick or not quite so thick, curly or straight whatever the preference is would be the kind of hair we'd have.

• Cookies and ice cream would be health foods.  

• Favorite socks would never wear out and the good jeans would always fit no matter the weight fluctuation.

• Aging wouldn't automatically mean gray hair and floppy, sagging arm-wings. 

• Vacations would be absolutely sacred and cheap enough to fully enjoy whenever needed.

And at this point, I really have to say that it's definitely a good thing I'm not in charge.  There are likely those who disagree with the things I'd "fix".  

I'm concerned about our two-doors-to-the-north neighbors.  They've had a blocked sewer line to their house for a couple weeks.  It's a mess - there's piles of dirt taller than me in their attempts to find the pipe to fix.  Aside from the bathroom throne, there are other household pipes that empty into the sewer: shower, kitchen and laundry sinks. However do you live in a house without a blocked sewer being problematic? 

Pricey, but I'm really liking it!
And I've found a new favorite eyeliner.  Yeah, earthshaking news, isn't it? I've long been a fan of Boots No.7 liner.  Unhappily our local Target is almost always out of it.  And I needed some new.  So I was in the mood to take a chance.  The darkest browns and blacks are too harsh for my no-longer-young eyes.  This is the most luscious shade of brown - I feel like I've done the best I can to put my best face forward without looking like I'm trying to be 17 still (and yes, that was decades ago!).

So today I've a few things to express gratitude for:  for clean enough air that I can walk outside in the morning (it totally lifted my spirits), for lunch out with my bestest, for sweet thank you notes in the mail, for actual sunshine, for the birds that will eat the seed I clumsily spilled on the ground.  I'm grateful for a husband with an amazing work ethic, even when it isn't always pleasant, never mind that he no longer expects fulfilling. And if I look closely (which I always do) at the trees, this is the time of year I can see teensy little leaf buds on the branches - that speak of spring and hope.

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