Wednesday, Again

Hawthorne blooms
• Years ago, when I was still attending our book group, one of the women asked if there were still Hawthorne trees around.  (If I remember right (and that's a big if) we were reading her selection that month - something by Proust, maybe Swann's Way? I was less than enthused about the book (yeah, I know, people think it's almost heresy to be less than enthused about Proust - I truly was/am) and it's funny that that is the most I remember about it, that I was the only one there that didn't care for the book- and frankly much of the discussion.  That was probably an indicator that I wouldn't "stay the course" with the group - I never was intellectual / educated enough for those women. I do have a love for words - and those who string them together in a beautiful way.   Perhaps I wasn't in the right mood at the time. But for whatever reason, at this point in my life (and at risk of disapproval from others) I can freely admit, I didn't care for the book.)

Anyway - sure, I piped up there're Hawthorne trees all around.  Really, they said, are you sure? I was the only one of the group who was certain there were Hawthorne trees around - and yes, even in our neighborhood. No one said anything back, but the air was thick with their skepticism.   Fast forward, roughly a decade (probably a bit more) and we have this beautiful Hawthorne tree growing in our yard.  We planted it the weekend we lost my Mom, so nearly 7 years ago.  It still seems like a young tree to me, but every spring, I anxiously wait for the leaves...and then the beautiful flowers.  They are among my most favorite of flowers.

And now, the flowers are just beginning to bloom.  There are only a few, but the tree is laden with buds and in a week or two the tree will be just stunning.  At least to me.

• I just finished this book.  I haven't read her previous (for grown-ups) book, but I just might.  I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Yes, it's different, I mean really different.  It's a couple hour read, if that. But, I loved the way her character came through.  Considering the author's recent passing from this world, it had a sort of poignancy for me.  I own a couple of her children's books and love them. She left a wonderful legacy and will be missed.  I wonder what sort of legacy I will leave?  Nothing of tangible value like writers do, that's for certain.

And today I'm feeling somewhat pensive. There've been some changes at The Husband's work. (No longer will he be supervised by the micro-manager, they've been moved to another group.) I'd like to think this is the answer to our many prayers over many weeks. Life is full of uncertainties, isn't it? I've been thinking about what Heavenly Father hopes I'll yet accomplish in this life, and hoping I'm not letting Him down too awfully much.  I'm wondering when I should contact the dr. about my cataract, I'm nervous about that.  I think I must really need to get out and about a bit - I'm w-a-y too much in my head the last couple days.

Still, I'm grateful.  I'm so grateful that The Husband not only bought, but planted that Hawthorne tree. Pretty much whenever I mention something I'd really like (I try really hard to not have the "wants", just the "I'd likes"- it somehow seems less selfish/less demanding that way) he moves the mountains required to supply my desires.  I'm grateful for those who have the ability to provoke thought and enrichment and emotion by the way they use those wonderful words Heavenly Father provided for us.

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