Ice on flowers. |
It surely feels, to me anyway, that lately there is a distinct lack of optimism. People are struggling with all sorts of challenges, discouragement is a constant specter, hope is hard to hold on to. I'm wondering about this state of affairs, and where it's headed.
Snowy sunrise looking east. |
• Yesterday morning we woke to a bare skiff of snow. 34 degrees when I left for my walk. I loved the crisp tinge to the air and the fact that I had warm clothes to wear. It was lovely out. This morning? It was 29 degrees when I left the house. My alternate walk route took me past this particular yard - they have the loveliest flower beds and gardens in the spring and summer. I had to walk over and take this picture of their plants, covered in towels to save the tender plants from (what felt like - mostly because it's nearing the end of May and we expect it to be warmer) the bitter cold. I think those gardeners have a special affinity for growing things.
Snowy sunrise looking west. |
• The Husband has had a work challenge since the end of last year. The replacement managers (who came on scene about 7 months ago) are so much less than pleasant. They tossed all reason into the air and came down with: a firing, micro-managing (to the extreme) impossible to reach deadlines and demands on time that were unreasonable. It's been a bit of a tough time. Yesterday The Husband had a conference call with his new supervisor (who (unfortunately-but-had-to) included the (IMO twit) micro-manager which ended up being essentially The Husband's annual review. Twit was her usual uncomplimentary self. Morale amongst the team is at an all-time low, people are on notice (and on job searches), sick days are common - yeah, hard. The Husband would likely say I'm painting a much grimmer picture than things really are, and that's likely possible. It's easy for me to be all "mama bear" about him and our children and loved ones. Doesn't change that work isn't pleasant for him.
Towel protected plants. |

• Set against the backdrop of other life's goings-on and it could have been a better Wednesday. No, there's nothing life-threatening, just that old nasty adversary doing his best to bring us all down. I don't like it, I'm sending him packing!
• I finished a project yesterday for a friend - all that's left is the framing and I'll wait until a stupendous coupon comes along to help defray the cost. I'm already casting about for the next projects (got a couple recipient people in mind). In the meantime, I've started a new book that has already grabbed my attention, I love his writing. We'll see how it all turns out (though it
is non-fiction so I already have a pretty good idea of the ending).
• And that picture of 3 Ways To Fail at everything life: I wish I had the artistic ability to change it to 3 Ways To Succeed at everything in life. 1. Seek the blessing in every trial. 2. Invite the Savior to every decision you make. 3. Always, always, always be grateful.
• So I'm thinking about all this discouragement going on. I wish there was a "hope" transfer I could give to everyone I see that has a struggle. I want to be full enough of good cheer that I have plenty to share. Pain is real, whether physical or unseen. I'd like to be able to help dispel some of that pain. "A trouble shared is halved, a joy shared is doubled."
And in the midst of struggles I want to always be able to find some gratitude. I'm grateful to be invited to pray for a friend. There is power in prayer. I'm grateful to know that there is a Heavenly Father watching over us, who
always has our best interests in mind and will
never forsake us (though hard the road we travel may seem). I'm grateful for hope in a brighter tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow.
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