Never Again

So fun to see - I think I need another ride in one!
Started the day off with a haircut.  And a glimpse of the hot air balloon festival in Sandy.  We first spotted a balloon hovering in the sky then the tops of the balloons on the ground in the park a block or two east of us as we drove. By the time we were on our way home the fun was over, the streets jammed with people trying to make their way home or to work.  I did manage to get this shot - there are actually two balloons there.  But without parking (and there weren't really spaces to park) and walking nearer, this was the best I could do.  (I'm so glad the parks have lots of trees even when I'm trying to take a picture of something beyond the trees!)

I am surrounded by people smarter than me.  I know it. I don't think I try to pretend I'm smarter than I am.  But, something else I know.  I'm not stupid.  I've had this challenge most of my life - people think I need to be taught how to....well, how to pretty much everything.  From choosing the "proper" countertop to what to read, to how to use the notecards I received as a gift, how to decorate my home. The list is endless.

I try really hard to respond with patience and kindness.  I don't like conflict or confrontation.  Nor do I enjoy conversations with those who have all the answers. But sometimes it does get a bit old.

And I did something I swore to myself I'd never do. I'm mad at myself for doing it and have forbidden myself to ever do it again.  On my walk yesterday morning (it was a beautiful morning, perfect for a walk and the trail wasn't awfully busy - just like I like it) I pulled my phone out of my pocket and walked for some time, head down, absorbed in the news on my phone.  Now part of the whole "walking in the morning" experience is to enjoy the time.  To marvel at the sunrise beauty, to actually hear the birds, to stop and admire the blossoms along the way.  To just be. It's a mindful thing. And there I was, missing it all to catch up on the unimportant and not necessarily uplifting news headlines.  Well, never again.

Then this morning I read an article by a woman who chose to use her smartphone as just a phone for a week.  She was kinda-sorta-maybe successful at her attempt. I'm not fully immersed in my phone like she was, but seriously.  I could have managed 90 minutes without checking the news.  I can be a tad grumpy about those who can't sit through a 2 hour movie without texting multiple times through it. And there I was - maybe not disturbing those around me, but disrupting my own pleasure in the morning.  Not going to do that again.

And today I'm finding some gratitude.  I love when I can find things that provide the motivation to recognize the goodness in this world.  I'm grateful that The Husband treats me like a partner rather than someone to be bossed around.  So very grateful for our marriage and the fulfillment it brings. I'm grateful for kind souls - for those who are kind to my loved ones.  For those tender mercies that sometimes come so very unexpectedly but whose value is still nearly immeasurable. I'm grateful I can recognize that I don't necessarily need to follow the instructions of others, only the gospel teachings of our Heavenly Father.

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