No,No,No!! And Ow, Ow, Ow!!

 The Husband is a bit of a tease. So when he was walking toward the car and it looked like he was falling, I thought he was teasing.  At first.  Then he disappeared and there was an alarming thud against the passenger door.

By this time, near panic had set in.  Jamming the car into park, I couldn't get out and around the car fast enough.  Terrified at what I'd find.  And there he was:  down.

Already near tears (both of us), he managed to get upright and all we did was stand and hold each other.  At that particular instant life felt very fragile. I think we both felt very vulnerable.  And I confess I haven't felt fear like that before, not that I remember.

It took us a few hours to complete our errands, grab a bite for lunch and make our way home.  All the time I was keeping my fingertips touching The Husband as much as I could.  I needed reassurance that he was with me still.

After wrapping his wrist in an ace bandage overnight, we headed out first thing this morning to the Instacare.  The doctor was so kind, made sure he checked out the hurting shoulder and painful neck.  Those are just bruised and sore, they'll heal.  The scraped knees are just that - a bit scraped up, but they're really fine. The wrist was a concern.  Especially since he broke it a number of years ago and was in a cast for some time.  The x-rays came back "likely a fracture".  They say if it truly is a fracture and not just a sprain the follow-up films (already scheduled for two weeks from now) will show it more clear.  Until then, and for as long as necessary, the splint is his new accessory.  So grateful they have those, and that they are adjustable/removable/supportive and even decently comfortable. 

I haven't the words to express my emotions and feelings.  While I'm not awfully happy with the dent in the bottom of the passenger door on the Subaru (six+ years with nary a scratch or trouble) I'm actually glad his head hit the door and not the concrete.  The door had some give (hence the dent) - the concrete, um, no. 

Falling as an adult is so awful.  Little kids are so much closer to the ground and they seem to just bounce right off it.  Those nasty uneven sidewalks are, in my mind, a menace.  Though we've always tried to be careful where and how we step.  I understand that there's not really a solution to uneven, heaving sidewalks, especially in this climate.  But we've now learned to be even more aware of an uneven surface. This was scary.  Truly.

But today, we had a delightful birthday celebration lunch at a place we rarely go to, it's so expensive.  Such fun to be with our friend for his 71 birthday celebration.  He never misses a chance to rib us about being old people compared to him.  He was born one year after us. 😊

I'm so grateful (really beyond measure) today that The Husband seems to be ok, and that he will recover.  I'm so grateful for daughters that rally around and are there for us whenever we need.  And grateful that our sons, also, exhibited concern.  Grateful for hope that in the near future we might be able to get the dent popped out of the car door, if I can figure out where to go. Grateful for kind friends that put up with our idiosyncrasies.  I just have a grateful heart today.

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