I Remembered One Thing

 I finally did remember one thing I wanted to mention.  A friend / co-missionary who serves at the Bishop's Storehouse with us treated us the other day.  He's a treasure.  He walks in the door and everyone perks up.  He had a long and storied career in law enforcement, and I'm confident was excellent at what he did.  But that isn't all he is.

He gathered three of us around him in the quiet of the back room, told us that he learned this cowboy poem to recite at his recent family reunion.  Specifically wanted his Dad to hear him.  His Dad and sister were driving from CA to southern Ut for that reunion - the freeway was shut down for so long the Dad and sister ended up turning around and going back to CA.  Missed the reunion and the chance to hear our friend recite his cowboy poem. 

He actually did two poems for us - and I managed to find one of the first one.  It's cute.  But truly - this guy reciting "Purt Near" isn't near as effective and entertaining as our friend at the storehouse.  Our friend was just fabulous.  

He told us another one, but try as I might, I am completely unable to find that particular poem.  It was about frienships/relationships and regrets and nearly brought me to tears.  It was very touching.  And when we left the storehouse that day, in farewell he encouraged me to go find someone I haven't touched base with for a while and reach out.  He has a very good heart. 

So this is some guy at a cowboy poetry gathering - not my friend.  But if this guy heard our friend, he'd wish he could recite the poem half as well.  

National Cowboy Poetry Gathering: "Purt Near!" with Randy Rieman - YouTube  

So grateful for people's kindness.

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