Post Weekend

All throughout the weekend I kept thinking of things I wanted to put down here, things I wanted to remember.  And here we are....they're mostly lost.

A week ago at church our ward chorister was released.  He was (and is) bitter about it.  I'm so sad that he is so upset about a calling.  We trade those all the time.  People get a calling, get released and start all over in some other church position.  That's the way of a volunteer organization.  We do our best wherever we can serve and then do our best serving in another capacity.  He's a widower and lonely.  I don't know how to help him.  We seem to have so many people suffering in our congregation.  Hearts are hurting in unseen ways.  

Our new chorister led the music yesterday.  I'm grateful I'm not in the position of making the choices of who serves where.  But if asked my opinion, I'd merely suggest whoever is standing in front leading the singing:  a smile would be the best thing to wear.  I know it's hard.  (I abhor being in front of people.) And I truly dislike when people tell other people to smile.  It generally isn't helpful to hear that instruction.  And that is why I only privately said to my husband that I thought she'd feel and do better if she could manage even a small lift to the corners of her mouth and eyes.   

A new choir director was also put in yesterday.  I'll be interested to see how that all plays out.  The music is meant to enhance our worship, put us in a spiritual frame of mind, direct our thoughts toward our God and Savior.  Not everyone understands or implements that perspective.  

Just Yummy.
I asked The Husband to go out to the garden just before dinner last night to (hopefully) find a ripe tomato for our salad.  He brought in a couple tomatoes. (I still maintain this isn't a good tomato year - at least it isn't for us.  But then the garden is an annual experiment and exercise in faith.  We just try to do our best even though we've neither of us had farming/gardening training in our past or in our families.) He also brought in a few cucumbers and a melon.  He's been most anxious about the melons, he's wanted them to be ready for so long.  I took one look at the cantaloupe and did a mental shrug.  It's his garden and if he wants to sacrifice one to find out if it's ready to eat or not, well, why not?  I rinsed it off again and cut into it and was totally surprised to find it perfectly ripe.  It was the best cantaloupe we've had in ages.  Our neighbor across the street who not only loves to grow things but is expert at it won't even try melons any more.  She says she's tried too many times with no success so she focuses on what does well for her.  I'm hoping we'll have at least one that will be good to share with them.  I wish I had a crystal ball to tell me when they're ready to pick, then I'd be sure to find just the right one to share.  That's the best part of our garden, the ability to gift it to someone else.  Whether they eat it or toss it, no matter.  Our hearts just want to reach out. 

This morning's walk was perfect.  The skies were filled with heavy clouds, the temps were cooler than we've seen in months and it was just the right windy.  We've heard thunder pretty steadily the entire afternoon and had some very heavy rain.  It has been a much welcomed relief from the heat of the summer. It was fun to finish a book to the accompaniment of the thunder and rain.  It's been a lovely stay-at-home day. 

I'm still struggling a bit with the new phone.  Things just aren't quite the same and I've had to learn new things.  I still can't get pictures from my phone to my computer the way I used to, but I've almost got a work-around down well enough that it only takes a few minutes rather than lots of minutes. 

I'm grateful today for the rain.  For dinner in the crockpot - and even for a quick run up to the local grocery at 7:30 this morning.  It wasn't busy and the lady that's always there early (she's older than me by lots of years-says she tried retiring but she didn't like it, cute thing that she is) is always so cheerful.  I'm grateful for another book to read and grateful for some things to do this week.  I love having something to look forward to, even if that thing can cause some nervousness.  

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