Thursday Morning / Ready for a Vacation

While doing my morning computer routine, I came across my horoscope. It says I can't please everyone. Is that just for today? Or everyday? And why not? I should be able to.

Heading off for a Christmas party I have almost been excited about: a sock exchange. Wishing that my socks will make the cut for one of the prizes, but not expecting anything. (My new mantra: No Expectations. But somehow it's harder to put into practice than it is to repeat.)

Dreading teaching Sunday School on Sunday. Why is it that I have such a hard time with this calling? I've been ready for a change since before it was official! There really should be a calling with my name on it: something I'd really love, really enjoy, want to do, and could make a contribution doing. Must be a lesson in this that I just can't get.

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