Upside The Head

Had to beat myself upside the head (at least mentally) today.  This is the season of love - it oozes from every possible mouth, nook and cranny.  Oozing along with love are some other traits:  forgiveness, unselfishness, kindness...the list could be nearly endless in this season that celebrates He Who Atoned For Everyone and Everything.

Today it seemed everything anyone said was about that.  And I kept thinking, "Are you listening ******?"  Until about halfway through Sacrament meeting when I realized I was lower than a snake, doing the very thing I had been mentally reprimanding this person for doing.  My only saving grace?  I was only mentally doing it (until now that is, when I've confessed to the world at large what a brat I am!).

That repenting thing?  Will be doing a lot of it tonight on my knees.  Asking for forgiveness.  Counting on the grace that has always been there.  I've still got so much to learn.

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