It's Been A Year

Last January I embarked on a new way to do my hair.  Decided to change the length somewhat and the style quite a bit.  It's been a long year.  And I never would have imagined that it would take a year to do this.  I've worn my hair in the same basic very short style for 20 years and was ready for something ...different!

Along the way, I've managed to skip looking like a puppy dog (floppy ears),  I've kept it clean and mostly shiny.  I've had regular consultations with my stylist (but he and I do disagree on a couple things, and that's ok) and spent some quite frustrating days taking the long way around so as NOT to see myself in a mirror (more avoidance than usual).  I've learned new blow-drying techniques and that weightless conditioner is my friend (humidity never will be).

I've been told my hair looks "dowdy", learned that The Husband loves it tucked behind my ears and also discovered that most people don't really see me - or my hair.

That said.... I'm considering cutting it short again!  Or perhaps I'll color it - at least the gray.  Or maybe a scarlet streak?  A feather?

January must be the month of discontent.  (Even though I'm still working on that contentment thing.) And it's only the 6th!

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