
Sometimes it seems like I spend a couple days getting ready for the weekend and then a couple days catching up after the weekend.  I guess that means I kind'a like weekends.

It was a fairly productive weekend, though we didn't feel pressured about getting stuff done.

The leaves are still falling.  And since it's been fairly calm - wind wise - the leaves have been falling in our yard and not our neighbors.  That means raking.  Which The Husband did.  Piles and piles of leaves that overflow the garbage can, even with The Husband gleefully jumping up and down to compact them so more can fit.   He finds fun in everything!

Drive Safe!
We couldn't help but wonder how this young lady managed to get her car up on top of this large rock. I caught a brief glimpse of the attempts to push it off.  I hope they didn't do some damage to the underside.

We had a rare visit with some local grandchilluns.  Such balm to my soul to see them, chat with them and be the recipients of their hugs.  (The bonus:  we took our leftover halloween candy to them so they (not us) can be tempted to indulge!)

These make me smile!
I missed my walk this a.m.  By choice.  Tomorrow will find me at the doctor's, trying to track down the source of the pain/swelling that plagues me.  Again, I find renewed respect for those who suffer chronic pain.

Today I'm grateful for the unending beauty of this world.  For hugs.

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