A Birthday

Today is our oldest son's birthday.  He dislikes birthdays, is pretty adamant that we not make a big deal out of it.  That's hard for us, we love celebrating our children and those we love on the day that is special for them.  So, we'll sing happy birthday in our heads (or maybe even out loud here at the house) and maybe in a week or so we'll send him an un-birthday card with some cash for a small luxury.

He stopped by on Saturday.  It was such a fun surprise to see all three of them at the door.  How grateful I am for a daughter-in-law who is so kind and accepting of me and never makes me feel like she'd rather be anywhere but talking with me.  I'm glad they're both (our son and his wife) part of our family.

Saturday was a weird day.  It's really sad when we can't find something fun to do.  I'm fairly certain one of these coming days we'll be frantically shopping for a new washer and dryer.  But until then I'm not fond of spending money.  We mostly hung out here, except for when we shared a sammich at Even Stevens and got some more salt for the water softener.  But the day ended much better.  We saw a movie and got some pizza with friends.  They're such a blessing in our lives.
Pretty to look at, not so nice to smell!

And it's almost February.  I'm done playing the organ at church until May - yippee!  And done with the piano in R. S. until April.  I'll just be going to church to worship, and that's a fine thing.  I go because I love the Gospel, to renew my baptismal covenants and to be spiritual fed - that enables me to face daily life with more optimism and hope.

The paperwhites are fully bloomed and so pretty.  But, seriously, how can something that looks so lovely smell so awful?  I avoid going into the room where they are because the scent nearly gags me. Such a thoughtful gift.  Who knew the smell would bother me so.  And am I the only one?

The trail was quiet this morning.  I did my five miles, my foot seems fine and the air wasn't too awful, though tomorrow might find me indoors on the treadmill.  I loved having the early morning all to myself.  I prayed and thought and just enjoyed it!

I'm grateful today for feet that take me wherever I want to go, I'm so grateful for their mobility.  I'm grateful for friends that feel like true friends, it's such a pleasure to spend time with them.  I'm grateful for sandwiches to share (and that he doesn't seem to mind that I hog the accompanying potato chips) and hands to hold.  For former ward members who go out of their way to chat with me for a minute and for babies that we love.

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