Saturday's Thoughts

Vacations should be full of relaxation, not go, go, go. Although "going, going, going" can be very fun.

Being away from home can really make one feel out of their comfort zone. Enjoy the real comfort zone.

Cafes should be on the side of the road you think they're on, not the other 'un.

Flip flops seem to be de-rigueur here. Too bad those leather ones I've been drooling over are so expensive.

It's nice to spot the place to go to Church tomorrow, without having to search (and maybe getting the wrong side of the road.) Too bad we forgot the white shirt and tie.

Steaks (from Costco) grilled by The Hubby taste somehow better when eaten outside here at the resort.

Coconut macaroons: comfort food. Shaved ice: sheer bliss (especially when it's 87 degrees out and 80 % humidity.) And what's a vacation without some indulgences.

So glad I remembered the shorts to wear over the bathing suit (disguises come in lots of forms.)

Sunsets at the beach are completely wonderful, especially when you're on the west side of an island.

Sunrises are still the very best time of the day, particularly when the moon is still up, and it appears as though you're the only one up to welcome the day.

Finally: so glad I bit my tongue rather than voice a certain thought. And so glad The Hubby noticed that I haven't yet said it (that I'm ready to go home.) :) Homebody I am by nature.

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