
Life is fun when there's something to look forward to!  Our oldest grandchild (19) has a new-to-her car.  She's needing a road trip, after all what good is a car without somewhere to go?  So she enlisted the company of her 16 year old brother to share a road trip with Nana and Papa's house!  (That would be me and The Husband.)  I think our Daughter will come along as well.

Checking the time I'm thinking they're only about 2 1/2 hours from arrival.  It will be such fun to have them here.  We've planned some meals out (tonight's is Papa Murphy's and I got to pick the flavors - yay!) a bike ride or two, a movie, a trip to Costco (I surely understand the reason behind the name:  it costs a lot to go!), church on Sunday and lots of visiting.

I have a mental picture (or is it a hope/expectation?) of our two Daughters (our oldest and youngest children) visiting and enjoying each other.  One of the sweetest things for a parent:  siblings who like each other.  An extra special sweetness:  grandchildren who seem to really like the Nana and Papa!

On a side note:  I was perusing the library website this morning and found a few new e-books that looked interesting.  Put my limit on hold.  Received an e-mail a couple hours later informing me of the availability of one of the titles.  I'm anticipating enjoying it. 

I'm also anticipating finding something additionally fun to anticipate once the Family has departed.  Glad to not have to be doing that anticipating for several more days.

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