Inspections / DMV

Was surprised yesterday to get a phone call from the dealership reminding of my appointment for the inspections, etc. for the Prius.  I guess it's like a doctor's visit for the car, and they don't want to waste valuable time.  I just don't remember ever getting a reminder call for the car like that.

So I arrived, checked in and settled down for what was estimated to be a 1 1/2 - 2 hour wait.  I expected that.  35 minutes into my wait, my name is called, I'm handed the papers, directed to where the car is parked and sent on my way.

Seriously?  Only 35 minutes?  Since when is anything ever "less" than expected?  Of course, the car passed all the inspections, no difficulties.  (It's 2 years old and has 5350 miles on it.  The guy at the dealership said I must have been pretty busy (tongue firmly in his cheek) to put so many miles on the car.)  Apparently for as long as I own the car (a dealership perk for buying the car from them) the state-required inspections are free. And I think we pre-paid for the oil changes.  But whatever, I walked out without paying a penny.  Plus...they washed the car! (And I could have had free popcorn as well!)

Since I had so much unexpected time on my hands I headed up to the DMV to pay the renewal on the license.  Again, checked in, sat down, had time to text The Husband and my number was up.  In and out in 5 minutes.  Wow - and they say all government is inefficient.  If all government could be inefficient in this manner we'd be in great shape!

Some days it does pay to get out of bed.

And tomorrow:  The Husband comes home!!!! (I won't even complain about cooking for awhile it will be so good to have him back.)

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