
It is the harvest season (albeit an early harvest this year) for the Nashi pears.  The whole area a block south of our street used to be an orchard - Nashi pears, peaches and other assorted fruit.

The pears are absolute ambrosia.  I remember the first year we were aware of them I thought the fruit couldn't possibly be as delicious as people said they were.  And I was so very wrong! (And just FYI - don't bother spending the money for the pricey ones sometimes found in the grocery.  They taste nothing like the fresh ones!)

There are some trees left in some of the yards, but not lots and lots.  Some of the tree owners are generous with the fruit, and others not quite so much.  We are fortunate enough to be on the list of one the generous tree owners.  Last year we were invited to go over and pick as many as we wanted - I felt a bit greedy with all the fruit that was hauled out of that yard, enough for the grandchilluns to munch on for weeks and weeks.

This year he delivered a huge box - there is more than enough for us to eat, and I've already been sharing them around.  The pears from their trees are always larger than some of the others we see.  And his wife doesn't even really care for them.

They are round like an apple, taste more like a pear (which they are) but with a very mild apple sort of crunch.  This photo makes them look more green than they really are, and they yellow as they ripen.

It is hard to feel guilty having a couple a day - fruit is healthy, right?

Rather I choose to be grateful to be the recipient of our friends' generosity.

And even more aware and grateful for the bounty of this beautiful earth that Heavenly Father created for us.

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