
From the last few days as I traveled away from our home:

Went into a restaurant - two men facing each other but sitting in separate booths, talking across the empty space necessitating loud voices.  Caused us to eavesdrop even though we didn't really intend to.  Heard one of the guys say,"I'm 84 years old now and when I get old I don't want to be a burden to my daughter. I don't drive at night anymore..."  Really?  84 isn't old? And he's still driving during the day?  He was a cute old guy that gave us a chuckle.

Through the windshield.
Then I headed to the restroom (places where I continue to be amused).  Walked in and heard an employee chattering away.  Thought she was talking to someone else with her in the room.  Looked around, no one else, no feet under the stall, she was by herself.  Didn't see a phone or an earpiece.  She was carrying on quite the conversation (none of which I understood) in spanish.  Still wish I knew who she was talking to.

I still enjoy walking across the Golden Gate bridge.  More so since they now have the bicyclists on one side of the bridge and the pedestrians on the other.  Don't have to dodge the bikes anymore.  (Although I did wonder about a couple of privies on the bridge that were padlocked.  Hope no one was in dire need.)  Even driving across the bridge was fun - although it left us $6 poorer.

One thing I like about CA is the law requiring hands-free if you're going to talk on a cellphone in your car.  Not quite so much of this distracted driving.

 Feel bad about the bird whose remains show up on the front bumper of the car.  It should've flown faster.

The Mongolian BBQ is still as good as it was a few months ago.  Worth the trip out there.

It was strange to leave The Husband there and fly off by myself - totally backwards from the way it usually is.

And finally:  There's No Place Like Home! (Where I'll be until I fly out to spend the weekend with The Husband.)

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