Weather and Stuff

She said on the tv weather segment that yesterday we topped out at 60 degrees.  In November.  Dominating the news the entire day, though, was the impending storm that had everyone all in a dither.

Nearly a whiteout of snow.
The storm arrived on schedule and it has been a doozy.  I had planned to go to the grocery among other errands.  Along about 10 a.m. decided I was staying inside the whole day long.  It has snowed sideways without letup since before I woke this morning.

The Husband has been out freezing his hands as he removed the mowing deck and put the snowplow blade on his little John Deere.  What a blessing that John Deere has been to have.

And since the grocery run didn't materialize, we're having breakfast for dinner. Who can complain about bacon? I have also enjoyed my time at home today - filling it with laundry, ironing, puttering.  I even wrapped a couple Christmas gifts.

Now, those in more temperate climes can crow about how lovely their weather is.  I still prefer the definite seasons.  I appreciate the fall and spring more after a hot summer and chilly winter.  Like the earth, I need that bit of "down" time to be refreshed for the more strenuous seasons.

Finally, too, it begins to feel like Christmas.  The weather impacts us more than we think.

Came across this quote (again) the other day.  I so like the sentiment.  Finding joy in every day no matter how mundane is a gift.  How I love finding meaning in the words of others.

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.
Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Today's gratitude:  for my lovely treadmill.  And for The Husband who takes care of us through all the seasons:  snowplowing/shoveling, beautifying the yard in the growing seasons, and working his day job to provide the basics (and more).

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