
I mentioned that I can get frazzled.  The Husband chimed in, "easily frazzled."  Much as I try to keep things under control, too much input at once does rattle me.  (Was on hold with one person when another person whose call I was anticipating called - too many devices all crying out for my attention at once and I was definitely frazzled!)

Discovered that someone we had do some tree trimming last week changed the payee on the check we wrote for payment.  Too bad he did what he did.  Won't ever be doing business with him again.

So enjoyed the validation I felt when I read Dave Ramsey (a fairly well known financial author/lecturer/advisor) in this morning's paper.  He said: "In my mind, humility is where gratitude comes from, and gratitude leads to contentment."  Love it!  I have long been a fan of contentment.  Doesn't mean we shouldn't always be aspiring to improving ourselves (weeding out bad habits, unkindnesses, bad attitudes, etc.) it means to find that place where we are content - not envious, not always wanting moremoremore material goods that don't help or define us.

And it is no secret that I'm also a big fan of gratitude and expressions of our thanks.  How fun to start off the morning with someone who combines the two into something he thinks should be taught to our children.  If I can find some humility along the way, all the better.  I am working on it.

My own (well-worn) footprint from yesterday.
Spent five miles on the trail again this morning.  There are still patches along the path that have snow on them.  Amused myself by looking for my previous day's footprints.  (My shoes have a distinctive tread.)  Actually found some.  It's ok to retrace one's steps.  Just as long as those steps aren't taking me in an undesirable direction.  I often wonder whose steps I am following.

Today's gratitude:  For a husband who seems happy to help me fight my fires, to solve small issues, to fix broken things.  He fills my heart while he's doing so.

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