Mid Week

Lovely snow!
It seriously doesn't feel like Wednesday.  What day it does feel like I couldn't say, just not Wednesday.

It has snowed the entire day.  Shoveling has commenced and will continue until dark and re-commence beginning tomorrow a.m.  I could have predicted the snow:  I washed my car the other day. Fortunately we aren't having the extreme cold as they are elsewhere in the country.  For now it is pleasant to sit in my chair by the window, stitching, glancing out every so often to see the snow's progress.

They'll do just fine
Our chairs arrived today.  The delivery guy drove right past the front walk/steps The Husband had so carefully (and considerately as his wont) shoveled for them.  They parked in front of the driveway - a much further walk.  And while I'm not totally enamored of the chairs, they will do nicely and look just fine in the living room.  I had wanted a more neutral color, but these go well with the loveseats.  Since we didn't spend too awfully much on them, should we decide to switch things out in a few years we will have enjoyed them our money's worth.

We were quite disconcerted, and disappointed, to read in this morning's paper an article about our local power company beginning to charge net metering customers an extra fee.  Having installed our solar panels a few years ago, we are one of those net metered targets. And frankly, their reasoning is total rubbish!  A lot of meaningless drivel and obfuscation to support their bottom line profits - at our expense.  Makes my blood boil.

Was reading an article the other day about cleaning out/parting with things.  It said we keep things out of fear.  Have been making a teensy bit of progress at letting go of some material things.  (Have to force myself to practically be ruthless!) Would that it were so easy to let go of the things that hurt my heart. One of my worst failings.  Why should I fear forgiving someone? (Regardless of whether they know it or not.) I've got to get better at that.

Today's gratitude:  that The Husband is able (and has the luxury) to work from home.  What fun it is to have him here, to meander in to his office every once in a while and plant a kiss on his cheek.  How lovely to spend our days in such close proximity.

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