Odds And Ends

Add water and freeze.
She said she told a co-worker she was thinking of shredding her credit card.  The co-worker said to freeze it.  (As she says this, I'm thinking the bank has some way of freezing its use, or something like that. She said she thought the same thing.) But no, the co-worker says, put the credit card in a jar, fill it with water and freeze it.  You'll still have access should you seriously and really need it.  But it requires some definite thought - you have to wait for it to thaw before you could use it.  People are so very clever!

Had the strangest dream last night.  Involved our son, his wife, their 11 and 7 year old daughters, cell phones, sneaking into cars for rides, blocked off streets and it was totally incomprehensible.  Wherever did that come from?  (Didn't make for very restful sleep, more like stressful sleep.)
Yummy apple!

Having been raised in Washington state you'd think I'd have an affinity for apples.  Never have.  Have generally avoided them, dislike most varieties.   Until I discovered the Pacific Rose.  Their harvest time is short, but they have the most delicious flavor.  Found them the other day, stocked up, might not find them again for another year.  Is it true:  an apple a day...?

Been reading a book of a genre I don't generally read.  Have been thoroughly enjoying it.  Good to get out of my area-of-preference-comfort-zone.  How grateful I am for those who have such a talent for words and their usage.  It enhances my life.  How grateful I am to be able to read.

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