I Must Have Missed Wednesday and Thursday

Because it's Friday again already.  And I don't know if I can make any cohesive sense out of my mixed up thoughts.

Had to run downtown SLC yesterday afternoon.  Left the house at four and were so grateful we were headed north and not in the southbound traffic - it was ugly looking.  Notwithstanding we were minding the road rules as we cruised in the carpool lane, we still ended up being "flipped off" by a guy drifting too close to us (he was paying attention to his phone and not the road as he drove).  The Husband's tap on the horn was so brief I didn't even hear it.  But clearly it annoyed the non-attentive driver.  It was disheartening.

Over the course of our attending "Mary Poppins" at Hale last night I observed a woman and three of her grandchildren.  It seemed obvious to me she desperately wants a great close relationship with them. Also obvious that it isn't there yet - she was struggling to find some common ground.  Based on the conversations I heard she doesn't see them near as much as she'd like.  I felt for her. That's a really hard one.

And Mary Poppins was great.  We saw it on Broadway in NYC a couple years back.  It didn't resemble any of my memories.  Better head back to NYC to see it again.  :^) (Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious was the very best number of the evening!  Don't remember seeing it spelled out like that before - loved it!)

Meant to take a picture yesterday as I traversed the trail.  A pair of black bedroom slippers with duct-taped soles discarded along the edge of the trail as though someone had just stepped out of them and walked on the pavement bare-footed.  Another of those stories I'll never know.

This morning's walk provided some entertainment in the form a woman singing along to her iPod.  Heard a couple "hallelujah's" in her lovely rich voice.  Don't know if she was practicing her gospel hymns or just enjoying the songs.  I often hear humming while I'm on the trail.  I often move my hands in time to the music. Can't say that I've ever heard actual singing like that before.

Was gifted these little peeps.  They're kind of funny looking.  But perfect to satisfy that inner child's tastebuds that sometimes demand attention.  They'll last me for a number of days, enough to silence that inner child for some time to come.  I'm grateful that I'm thought of enough for someone to present me a gift.

Word came this week about (what are in my opinion) massive lay-offs at The Husband's work.  Morale situation:  miserable.  I think the both of us are anxiously awaiting / over-ready for our beach trip later in the year.  We both need to decompress.

Been thinking about forgiveness lately.  Some things are easy for me to forgive.  Others, not so much. Considering the extraordinary power of the Atonement, it should always be easy for me to forgive.  How to fully embrace that power in my life is an ongoing process.  It is an immeasurable gift.  One I can never adequately thank Heavenly Father for.

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