I Generally Like Fridays

And so far this one has been no exception.  I got to get out with The Husband first thing this morning and in the process chat with some kind people.  (Even though going to the dentist wouldn't be my first choice of places to find people to chat with.  At least it was The Husband being worked on and not me; and yes, he's doing fine.  Our bank account not so much.)

It was still 72 out on our way home so the car windows were down.  A young man driving parallel to us for quite some way down the road also had his windows down - and his radio cranked and was belting out the song.  Quite unselfconsciously.  I wished I could have better heard the song so we could have sung along with him.  A song-jam traveling down the road, might have been fun. (Though I think The Husband has the better voice.)

We were poking along behind a small pickup that finally pulled over to the side of the road.  Of course we had to look see who was driving so indecisively and all either one of us noticed was his old-fashioned thick handlebar mustache:  lime green.  I'll probably always wonder and never find out what that's all about.

Free fruit!
Was grateful today for mis-delivered mail.  It meant my sweet neighbor came to the door with it and in the process we had a mini-gabfest.  Fun!

Yesterday morning's walk took me past a particular yard.  An older guy is frequently out tending the garden.  He greeted me like an old friend  and offered me a plum "or two, or a dozen".  I chose a couple that are currently ripening on our counter.  How much more pleasant generosity is when it is so freely and happily shared!

Made a quick run to Costco.  It was my least favorite part of the day given the plethora of noise and confusion.  I did however marvel to myself about the abundance that surrounds us.  Piles of boxes of fruit and vegetables.  Stacks of cartons of eggs and milk.  Freezers full of meat and cheese and butter. All for the taking with no rationing or limits.  How very blessed we are.

I just had to stop the car and pull over so I could take a picture of this blossom.  It was easily 10" across - my arm almost wasn't long enough to take the picture and get my hand in the shot for comparison. The bush was loaded with lots of flowers the same size.  Isn't our world beautiful?

I'm grateful today for people who notice my car in a parking lot and text me just to be friendly.  I'm grateful for good dental care and insurance that helps pay for it.  I'm grateful for plenty to read and for free books that end up on my Kindle and Nook apps. And for people who are kind about receiving mis-directed texts - and also grateful that I wasn't being rude or foul in that mis-directed text (not that I'm in the habit of doing so).  I'm grateful.

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