It's Tuesday Again?

Time flies but crawls at the same time when The Husband is out of town.  We've got one "sleep" under our belt with only two more "sleeps" to go before he's home.  I'm almost counting the hours!

Sunday marked our ward's return to the 9-noon schedule of meetings.  I love the early schedule, love the sense of rest and rejuvenation after having had our souls uplifted on a day we do our best to observe and keep the Sabbath holy.

My early morning friend.
Yesterday found me on the trail early after The Husband headed to the airport.  Kept myself as busy as I could so as to not dwell on my lonesome-ness. After having The Husband off work for well over a week and being pretty much joined at the hip the entire time it's been a bit of a wrench having him gone.  Not complaining, I am so very grateful for his job.  Just sayin'.

Retrieved some carrots from the fridge and served carrot breakfast to this guy a couple houses down from us.  He seemed appreciative.  Wonder how often I'll have to do it to have him recognize me?

Treated myself to Cafe Rio for lunch/dinner.  The special yesterday was chile rellenos.  Can't recall if I've ever had them before (and I had a gift card) so I dared to try something different.  While I'm not a fan of the Cafe Rio sweet pork (yeah, I know, I'm totally in the minority!) I enjoyed the meal.  Didn't even mind so much being there by myself.

The moon making way for the sun.
This morning I walked in the company of the full moon.  I imagined it was shining so bright just for me.  (I don't have the right equipment for moon-picture-taking; this was the least blurry of the 7 or 8 I took.)  I have long loved the stark beauty of the bare trees limbs against the sky.  The moon peeking through just enhances the view! It was 30 degrees out when I left, so quite a warm-up.  My gloves and ear-muffs spent the majority of the walk in my pocket.  I loved it out there.

This afternoon I have a multitude of things to choose from.  I could clean some bathroom sinks.  Do some cross-stitch (working on something for a loved one), knit some rows on the baby blanket, go look for a rug, read one of the two books that are in progress.  What a luxury it is to choose from so many great options.

I am so grateful for so much in my life.  For my cellphone - that keeps me in touch with those I love when they're not within touching distance.  For my ability to enjoy the world, especially in the early morning when most folks are sleeping and the peace seeps into my soul.  For kind friends who call to chat when they'd like to hear a familiar voice and share some happenings.  (She was very gracious as she listened to my small concerns.) For the hope of a pain-free mouth after my dental appointment. For lemons.  And for my testimony of the divinity of Jesus Christ that helps give me purpose.

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