Rainy Thursday

Went to lunch today with a couple dear friends.  They are so patient with me.  The three of us have been friends for oh, close to 25 years.  What a treasure.

Came home to find a package had arrived for me.  Someone thoughtful bought me these wonderful socks.  Which I will wear with pleasure.  And a feeling that someone hugged me today.

The Husband has arrived home and my world feels right again.

And I came across this quote that I so like:

Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom.
I'm grateful for the drizzly rain that seems to calm the world, things feel quieter. I'm grateful for kindness.  And for people who have that characteristic.  And for new socks!

I Succumbed

I have a mental contest going on every year.  To see how long I can wait to turn on the heat.  Nov. 1 is generally my goal.

Yes, that does read 59 degrees.
This was the temperature in the family room at 10:30 this morning.

So, I did it.  I pushed the button.

Mmm, warm.  Feels heavenly.

Only 4 days early this year.

I'm so grateful for a warm house in the winter (and the funds to pay for that warmth!  Thanks, My Love for your hard work to provide for us!)


I'll never get used to The Husband's traveling.  It leaves me alone.  Yesterday I was completely by myself here in the house for a few hours.  It was, frankly, unnerving.

Mmm, just lovely!
Before he left, The Husband brought in these lovely roses.  The white ones are from bushes I received as a birthday gift years ago.  I love their sweet scent.  I think these will likely be the last ones of the season - it is, after all, almost November.

I received another picture on my phone of the newest grandson yesterday.  I just ache to see them and hold the little guy.  Holding a new infant feels like I'm holding a teensy bit of heaven, if only he could tell me of the place he just left!

We recently saw a movie that has stuck in my mind.  A 70 year old man becomes an intern at a new-ish company that needs someone with a bit of life experience.  It was perfectly cast.  I loved the message that just because you have lots of years on this earth doesn't mean you don't have anything to offer.  (There was also another message about the importance of marriage / family and fidelity.  I like that increasingly rare positive perspective.)

Our primary program was Sunday.  This one seemed more together than some we've seen in the past.  Maybe our primary is a bit smaller, maybe the kids were more practiced or had slept really well the night before.  Maybe it was a combination of myriads of things.  I just know it went smoothly.  I always love hearing/seeing children sing.  One particular family with 3 little ones in primary is always a stand-out to me.  Those kids sing out with their hearts.  And I mean really sing out.  (I imagine at times that level of commitment to volume might get a tad wearing.) I love that they sing of gospel principles including love for the Savior with such dedication and enthusiasm.  Such a foundation can only stand them in good stead as they grow.
Just right for shuffling through.

I headed out to walk this morning under a bright full moon.  (Next week might find me inside on the treadmill.  Daylight Savings Time ends.  I'm by nature an early riser and walking in the total dark isn't all that fun - or safe.)  I love the morning.  And I love the fall.  The carpet of leaves under the trees at the park were just begging to be shuffled through.  And yes, I did shuffle through them.  All by myself, mentally giggling at the fun.

I'm so grateful for grandchildren.  For music in this world that brightens our lives and enriches our experience. For sweaters.  And for something to look forward to.

Finally (Almost) Caught Up

Clean counter - for the moment.
I had to take a picture of my kitchen counter - it was finally clear of all mail, laundry, books and clutter.  It never stays clear very long - I have to enjoy it when it is!

Went visiting teaching this morning.  We have such wonderful sisters in the Gospel.  I love our association.  We went to "teach" and ended up being taught.  How blessed we are to share our beliefs.

Received another sweet picture of the newest grandson.  Makes me sad that they are just far enough away that it's not easy to run over and see/hold him.  I don't want him to forget me already.  I'm always fearful that our beloved grandchildren will just sort of drift off into their lives and we won't be important enough to remember.  

We left for our vacation in summer and came home to fall.  I couldn't pass up this ash tree, lovelovelove the color, especially against the blue sky.

I'm grateful for kind words.  For enough food.  And for warm sweaters.

Still Enjoying The Cruise

Galveston / across from our hotel
Nary a drop ever spilled.
Looking back.
Ship's Library.
Daily Schedule.
I keep thinking of stuff I want to put down so I don't forget.  Sadly, I kept my phone off most of the time.  Much later on in the week (and really, almost too late) I decided to keep it around for my camera.  It was so interesting to me to discover (or maybe re-discover) how much I missed having a camera constantly at the ready.

One way we were pampered:  a schedule of events (including sunrise and sunset, weather and dining options) delivered daily to our stateroom.  Pick and choose whatever you want.  Or not.

Roatan beach/minus the Federales.
This guy's balance was incredible.  No matter how rough the seas, he never spilled a drop.  Breakfast, lunch or dinner he delivered drinks with aplomb.

I loved watching from the back of the ship.  I was generally pretty much on my own there:  peaceful.  I thrive on that.

From our balcony.
Our room was directly above the water break on the starboard side.  I never tired of the water or it's array of color!  Our favorite deck was deck 4.  There wasn't much going on there, only a few other folks like us wanting to be immersed in the beauty of the world. We saw dolphins, all kinds of seabirds and uncountable flying fish.
2 days old and precious

Wherever I go I always find a library.  The ship's was (as expected) small, but welcoming.  The books were even alphabetized just like my library at home.

We ended our shore stops with some time at a beach, my very favorite vacationing spot.  This one on Roatan was beautiful, though patrolled by the armed Federales.

I've almost caught up on the laundry (the ironing will wait for another day).  The DVR has hours of stuff to watch.  The fridge has food in it.  I've delivered a birthday treat next door (missed the actual day due to being gone) and handled some ward music business.  It feels delightful to be home.

And oh, by the way:  If you ever think you need some attention, here's a sure way to get some.  Be on a cruise docked at a port.  Be the last person to re-board the ship 20 minutes late.  I guarantee there'll be thousands of your closest friends cheering you on as the entire ships waits for your arrival to get underway.  (And no, it wasn't us.  We were one of the cheer-ees.)

(And I have to confess:  I've fussed and fussed over the picture placement.  I simply cannot get it just right this time.  And I've got to get on to other stuff.  So my computer ignorance reigns once again.  At least I managed to get the pictures on here!)

I'm keenly aware that a vacation such as this is a true luxury.  How grateful I am we were lucky enough to go.  I'm grateful for the safe arrival of our newest little grandson.  It was heaven to hold him for a bit last evening.  I'm grateful for eyes that see and arms that can hug.

Never Say Never

I said I'd never do a cruise.  Too far from land, surrounding water too deep, too much chance of getting sick in such a "closed" environment and lots of other reasons, not the least of which was the expense.

So here we are, returned late last night from our first cruise.  Succumbed to the lure by the glowing reviews of our friends.

I didn't take many pictures, but I do have a couple I'll share.

In the meantime I have a few thoughts in review.

• I thought I'd be really scared out on the ocean when I couldn't see what was down deep below me.  I loved it!

• Never in my life have I been so catered to, so pampered, so indulged.  I wasn't really comfortable not carrying my own load, being responsible for myself.

• Never have I seen / used so much hand sanitizer.  They are serious about avoiding things like the norovirus.  For which I was grateful.

• In spite of warnings, I still came away with extra weight.  Our food was really fabulous and constantly available.  No one said they were still hungry.  A couple meals found us groaning that there was still more food coming.  A complete luxury.

• All of which was in odd juxtaposition to the dismal living conditions in the three countries we visited.  We live in extremely lovely conditions - due to the country of our birth.  I respect and admire those scraping out a life in those poverty governed areas.  It was really sobering.

• We saw parts of the world we'd likely never see otherwise and only had to unpack once.  Frankly, I was relieved and comforted to return to the U.S.

• Both The Husband and I seem to have a bit of an affliction.  The house won't quit rocking like the boat.  Our seas were a bit rough the last two days and it still feels like we're on the ship.  Wonder how long this will last?  I keep leaning when I walk.

• I'm happy for the piles of laundry that will greet me when I finally unpack.  We were so tired last night the only thing that came out of any suitcase was our electric toothbrush / tips. I don't even have a comb handy for my hair.  That laundry is evidence of abundance.  How grateful my heart is.

• We returned to a clean house, nothing amiss.  Hugs from the family we've seen so far.  Umpteen million e-mails (so nice to have internet) and piles of catalogs from the snail mail.  New glasses for seeing better to pick up, and optimism for the future.

• What fun to travel with some friends! They were great fun, we felt like they didn't mind having us along.

• I've never felt like I "lived" on my phone the way I sometimes see others doing.  But being without it for a week was a teensy challenging.  I kept wanting to text the kids, or look something up.  It was good for me to have some down time.

• And best of all:  we returned to a new grandson!  We haven't yet seen him, just barely got home. As soon as is humanly possible, we'll be down in Utah County cuddling the little guy. (Although at 9 lb 7 oz, 22" long he isn't necessarily a little guy!)

I'm so grateful for the luxury of a vacation.  For the ability to spend some time away with my favoritest person. To come home to a comfortable home and family nearby. I'm grateful for the ease that will enable me to complete the laundry and all those clothes to choose from.  I'm grateful we were able to find Sacrament meeting on our way out of the country, I'm glad we didn't miss it.

And today I think I'll be grateful for limited food to eat, for something to calm my nearly-always untroubled stomach.  It's strange for me to feel discomfort like this: seasick on land (especially when I wasn't seasick on the ship even in the rougher seas).  I'm so grateful to be home!


90% of a mighty large sandpile
We've vegetable gardened in the past.  At our previous house, The Husband grew fond of the Mittleider method using raised beds filled with sand and sawdust.  Weeding was a snap, it was difficult to overwater and the veggies were scrumptious.

After 14 years in this house, the growboxes are finally coming together.  The Husband has been working hard to get them ready to plant first thing in the spring.  The last bit was the sand.  Sand is cheap.  Delivery of the sand, not so much.  But we know a guy who has a son who has a truck who delivered our sand (almost sounds like a nursery rhyme).  Yesterday.

Hard worker
Our son willingly agreed to help move the sand to the backyard.  (We know a guy who has a trailer for his John Deere.  We borrowed the trailer.  Proper tools are immensely helpful for most any task.) I was impressed at our son's diligence.  He is a hard worker who sticks to the job until it is complete. Well done!

The boxes were already filled with bags and bags of peat moss (the right sawdust wasn't available) - and yes, we know a guy who has a truck who helped us haul bags and bags of peat moss.

Now, the boxes are filled with layers of peat moss and sand, ready to be thoroughly mixed, and covered for the winter (to keep out the cottonwood tree leaves).

Another project almost fulfilled.  It feels mighty fine.  And next summer, if they'd like, we'll likely share some of our veggies with the guys with the son and the trailer and the truck.  Aren't people kind?!!

I'm so grateful for generous souls.  For projects that work out.  For those with courage to tackle another seemingly over-large project. For mental visions of what can be.  For early morning rainstorms that turn into stunningly beautiful days.

What Fun!

Went to the mailbox to bring in the mail, expecting maybe a couple catalogs and a bill or two.  Imagine my delight to find this birthday card - all the way from Germany!  The message inside warmed my heart, such sweet kind words!  What a lovely way to continue the birthday celebration.

I'm sad the weekend is over.  General Conference was soul-lifting, heart enriching and just plain enjoyable.  I particularly liked the Saturday morning session.  I kept thinking what a force for good in the world our Church is.

Still no sign of the newest baby.  Although I did have a bit of fun buying a few things for it.  Since most people find out the baby's gender long before the birth (not so with these two kids of ours) everything at the store is either boy or girl.  There's basically nothing out there gender-neutral. Although I'm fond of the few things I purchased.  We surely hope the baby arrives while we're in town!

I'm so grateful for General Conference and the valuable words we hear - the ones of encouragement, strength and hope.  I wish I'd truly caught the vision in my younger years.  

Wow - Did I Ever Let The Week Get Away From Me!

Got ready to put down a few thoughts - was Tuesday really the last time I had anything to say?  What am I doing with my time?

I've been spending a fair amount just puttering around here at home.  Anxiously awaiting the (hasn't happened yet) arrival of our newest grandbaby. (Though I doubt I'm as anxious as the parents!) However:

 • I've also been on a couple morning walks (and found myself right back in the compression anklet - this foot/ankle is not healing the way I thought it would.  There is practically zero flexibility in it. Sigh.)

• We've had the Charger in for it's recall fix and oil change.  (That always necessitates some back and forth to the dealer.)

Fresh & ready to wear.
• I've spent some time at the piano practicing for the Ward's Christmas program. It's been fun to be back at it.

• We've been to Hale for their production of Oklahoma.  Also to the movie with friends.

• Chatted with friends who brightened my days with visits.

• Wrote to a few people, thank you notes, or just keeping in touch. (It takes me forever to be almost-articulate.)

I've also been saving up my ironing all week for today.  While The Husband worked on the grow-boxes in the yard listening to General Conference on his earbuds, I ironed.  And it took me nearly the entire first 2 hours.  This is a sampling of the pressing I did.  And I also ironed some pillowcases/sheets (the sheets feel so much better in bed when the edges have been ironed) and some t-shirts.

I have so loved the two sessions of Conference so far.  This morning seemed to have a general theme of self-improvement, striving to do/be our best.  And hope.

I seem to always be drawn to a quick sound-bite from talks - a sentence that just reaches out and speaks to my heart.  Here's a couple.

"The Holy Ghost makes an ideal traveling companion."

"If there be no righteousness there be no happiness."

"If you are there for the Lord, He will be there for you."

I so want to always be one of the followers/workers of Heavenly Father.  I want to be found doing my best.  I want to be acceptable to Him.  I love how Conference inspires that in me.  I will not give up.