A Bit Of Snow

Yesterday morning
And the world looks lovely.  The air is crisp and clean and it feels like winter.  Yesterday on my way to the grocery I had to take a side trip to capture the beauty of the fresh snow on the hillside.  Too bad I couldn't have caught the faraway mountains to the south through the canyon, they are equally stunning.

After two days on the treadmill I managed to get out on the trail this morning.  I came home with multiple shots of the Christmas lights through the park and all kinds of other fun sunrise vistas.  Of course I overdid it yesterday on the treadmill and other errands so my foot is bothering me.  But my head and heart are happier for being out.  I didn't even take my iPod to listen to music, just spent the time praying and thinking and watching the birds and immersing myself in the dawn.  I loved the trees (that lined the walkway in the park) whose trunks had been light-wrapped.  What a way to welcome someone to the park.
Row of lit trees.

This morning
The Husband and I are hopeless lately when it comes to gifts for each other.  We both have everything (and more) that we need.  We are subscribing to my philosophy that we ought to be content (I truly believe that Heavenly Father wants that for us in lots of areas) - consequently we don't really want for a thing.  It'll be a low-key Christmas for sure.  I did manage to scoot over to Ikea and pick up a small (super small) something for him.  Hopefully I'll receive some brilliant inspiration for a gift for him between now and the big day.

And I liked this article.  Enjoy.  Family Motto  It seems like the "paper" (the virtual one on my iPad) is full of thoughtful things to read.  I particularly enjoyed this one because I liked what they finally decided on for their family motto.

I'm so glad Christmas is on Sunday this year.  We'll go take the Sacrament at church then come home, there'll be no fuss and bother, we'll focus on the reason we celebrate and if we're lucky we might be able to see some of the grandkids.  It somehow seems fitting for Christmas to be on the Sabbath.

And sometimes you just have to go out on the front porch and scream your lungs out.  It creates instant laughter which equals a bit of de-stressing.  Just the thing for today.

I'm so grateful for the beauty of this world.  For Heavenly Father's plan for us.  For being so abundantly blessed that we really don't need a thing. For library books delivered to my hands.  For enough grocery funds.  And for something to look forward to.

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