I Took A Brief Vacation...

Lovely Friday morning.
From posting my thoughts here.  There wasn't any particular reason, I just didn't.  But here I am with some post-weekend thinking.

Friday morning the skies were blue and the air clear and it was lovely.  Just a few hours later the temperature had dropped 15 degrees in about as many minutes, the wind was howling around the house, blowing rain then rain and snow mixed and then just straight snow.  I helped (probably more like hindered) The Husband while he took the mowing deck off the John Deere, replacing it with the snowplow blade which he promptly put to use.  There was no way we could have shoveled that super wet heavy snow.  And we were glad we got it up before the night came and the temps were down in the single digits, made snow removal the next morning so much easier!
Friday, a few hours later.

We're pretty much ready for Christmas. We've spent all our Christmas money and hope that the recipients recognize their small gifts as tokens of our love for them. As I age, I more and more dislike the pressure that accompanies Christmas.

My Dec. calendar page, I am on the lookout.
We didn't go to a movie on Saturday, opted instead to take life a little slower.  I dragged The Husband on a quest for wild bird seed. He's always loved birds.  And we've fed them lots over the years.  But a couple years ago it just felt like we were spending huge amounts of money on the little flitterers. So we kind of just quit.  I decided that that would be a small gift for him that he would really enjoy.  And to our delight our local IFA carries bird seed and suet for what seems like a reasonable price.  So we lugged some home.  Since it was nearly dark when we filled the feeders we were anxious to see what the morning brought in the way of bird-friends.  How fun to see them out as soon as the sun came up:  chickadees, juncos, finches, doves, scrubjays, and even a couple flickers that we had to chase off because they wanted to drill holes in our fresh stucco.  The quail seem to always be around so they're not new, but it has been great to see The Husband's delight in the return of the birds.

Yesterday was my last Sunday School lesson.  I've turned the manual over to the next teacher (there'll be no class next Sunday since it's Christmas). And I feel quite...adrift. Don't feel so "finished" as I expected to.  Was told that I'd be missed as a teacher which came as a bit of a surprise thought. People are so very kind.  I'm pretty sure there won't be a replacement calling, but I'll still be taking my rotation on the organ and piano bench so I won't be completely put out to pasture.  I'm looking forward to a lessening of anxiety throughout the week without having a lesson to prepare and give. I'm not really comfortable in front of people.

And finally, today was dental check-up day.  I dread these appointments.  With a passion (if dread can be considered passionate).  Came away cavity free!  YAY for me!  The bad news?  He says the day has arrived - it's time to replace that cracked crown of mine.  (It's been cracked for years, but now it's totally cracked through and he's afraid that I'll bite down on something and it will just fall apart.) Can't say I wasn't warned, but I've put it off for as long as I can. And truly, I'm not really surprised, I kind of expected him to say the time has come.  So, after Christmas I'll be back in that chair being worked on, trying to keep my tongue out of the way.

Today I'm grateful for the bird-friends that make The Husband happy. I'm grateful for people who say they've enjoyed our Sunday School class, but also grateful that that particular anxiety will be over for a while. I'm grateful for beautiful sunshine that feels so good on my face.  For good dental check-ups and for dental insurance. And for deep, deep breaths - filling my lungs, relaxing me, reminding me to be grateful for these wonderful bodies Heavenly Father blessed us with.

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