In the last few days I've attended a private school (high school senior) graduation (which required a trip to downtown SLC and has caused me no end of mental rumination), arranged and rearranged meals (as compassionate service person), been for fewer morning walks than I like because of schedules and had a delightful visit with our son and his dear family in Spanish Fork. How I loved seeing their house and the comfort it gives me to have a mental picture of where they are. I'm so pleased for them!
Sunday will be an opportunity to fast - I find the older I get the more I look forward to the small sacrifice that indicates to Heavenly Father my anxiousness to do His will, my desire to help facilitate His will, and the ability to demonstrate in such a small way my concern and care for those I love. I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
And I've been a bit anxious. Stuff happens, change occurs and often I have little control-or even input-of the process. The city is moving forward with the widening of a street that intersects with our little lane. It's really sad. And all because of a few loud and demanding citizens. We now can't really access that road, it's - well - a true mess. And will be all summer long. Our next door neighbors came home from an 11 day trip to find sewage coming up through the floor drains in the utility room and basement shower. (And yes, their house is still for sale.) The concerning part? The sewage issue started with the first house at the end of the street, has now moved to the house next to us and I fear what's next! Will it be our house - the third one in a row? If I include other challenges/changes to household members schedules/routines as well as the fact that The Husband is going out of town for the next 6 days, it's no wonder that old frenemy "Anxiety" is rearing it's ugly head.
But the good news? The orioles have been spotted! For a couple days I've thought I heard them (they have a cute way of landing on the top of the feeder and squawking their presence before they drink the nectar) and this morning we chanced to look out the window just in time to see him. The oriole feeder was filled lickety-split and we're hoping they stick around long enough for us to enjoy their beauty.
Today I'm grateful for prayerful concerns that seem answered (I've been praying (among other things) for an uptick in my mood: seems to be better today), for being welcomed when we visit our kids, for perhaps a chance at a bit of a field trip this afternoon before our evening out with a couple friends, for the return of the orioles, for some time with my favoritest person. And for hope that Heavenly Father hears my prayers and knows the needs of those I pray for.
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