Early Wednesday

So I know I haven't really settled into my day yet, but I already have some thoughts:

1.  How great it is to have a properly working kitchen faucet again (i.e. cold water coming out of the cold side and hot coming out of the hot, no leaks). Thanks, My Husband/Love.

2.  How fun it is to get up this morning and not be barraged with all the noise from the heavy equipment working on our street.  It is freshly paved and hopefully the garbage truck won't mess it up.

3.  I'm nervous about our hearing at the county complex this morning.  We've never done anything like this before, but The Husband is protesting our property taxes this year.  Ours is the only house within the nearby 150-200 homes he researched whose property values increased instead of decreased.  We'll see what happens.  He's done an astonishing amount of preparatory work.  I just hope they've all had breakfast this morning and decide to reduce our valuation and not take 20 years to do it.

4.  Hoping for some inspiration as to how to effectively execute this calling that I have.  Is it true that Heavenly Father doesn't care what calling you have / had?  He won't care for me less because I've only been a "worker bee" my whole life instead of a "Queen Bee"?

1 comment:

  1. i hope things go well with your hearing! it is awesome to think you are brave enough to take that task on! Good Luck!
