
Finding that my pursuit of being unexpected is paying unexpected dividends.  Went to The Husband's favorite mexican restaurant today.  I decided to order something different.  Loved it.

For the first time in - oh, probably 5 years - The Husband ordered something other than his usual.  Wow!  And I think he liked it, too, though that was also likely unexpected.

Can't be in a rut (a grave with the ends kicked out), must find enjoyment whenever possible.  Being unexpected is certainly a boost toward that end.

Went to the movie today, sat behind a couple,  kept getting distracted by the preponderance of tattoos on his arms.  Told The Husband I was glad he wasn't covered in tattoos.  I'm also glad he doesn't have piercings.  Don't want to be fighting over the earrings.  Particularly the dangly ones.


Went to the symphony tonight - the Music Of ABBA was featured.  Enjoyed the music, but couldn't quite figure out of it was supposed to be taken seriously or was meant to be a parody of the original ABBA.

Kind of hard to take seriously guys in those skin-tight (on an un-skinny guy) one piece satin decorated jumpsuit, wearing a bad wig.

I'm thinking to apply for the position as wardrobe consultant.  Or maybe it's just that they're Swedes and therefore have a different mindset about stuff.

And what's with the guys in the van next to us at the stoplight on the way home (faces made up like monsters) freaking me out  (I was making sure that all the doors in the car are locked)?  It's not even Halloween!

Ambitious Project / Tender Mercy

My Scripture Quad finally bit the dust.  After 25 or so years, multiple glueings, countless classes and daily readings it has succumbed to old age and wear and is literally falling apart.

For ages, The Husband has offered to replace them.  It took me about 12 years to finally start marking in them - I just couldn't bring myself to deface those treasures with red pencil and ink.  But once I started, I dove in with glee!  And so I resisted getting new ones - I couldn't bear to lose those important references.

My project:  to transfer all the red pencil markings and pen notations from the old scriptures to the new ones.  Making progress, but it is slow.  I find myself stopping to take in the marked scriptures and remind myself why I found them important enough to highlight.

What a delight it has been to refresh my mind with those important passages.  To immerse my thoughts in the truths of the gospel.  To remember the classes I took and hear in my mind the words of the teacher as he explained verses to us.

I hope I don't hurry through this too much - I've loved the process, it has helped to renew my testimony.


So, how many pair of shoes can I have?  Is there a limit?  I know I can only wear one pair at a time, but there are 365 days in a year, and there's no rule that says I can only wear one pair in a day.

I still have room in the closet.....


So, it is nearly May - and that means spring flowers, right?  We have some lovely yellow tulips around a tree in our front yard.  They look so pretty standing tall and upright.

But, on closer inspection:  they are standing so straight because they're frozen blocks of tulip ice!

We have rain, then cold, then more rain and all the flora has become cryogenically preserved.

This leaves me wondering what June will bring.

Cable Guy

What is it with the Cable Guys?

Had one out to our house today - nice enough man.  And unlike the previous Cable Guy he didn't plop himself down in the recliner, play with the remote, use the powder room, tell us his life story.

He did however want to stay the day.  He was reluctant to leave.  To the point we had several long empty pauses in the conversation, with him making no effort to speak further.  He just seemed content to hang around.

And he even left with The Husband's treat (a doughnut).  We're hoping that was good enough that he won't charge us for the service call.

Hoping to not see a Cable Guy for awhile.  I'm just not up for it.


So, today at church we were singing the hymn,  Master The Tempest Is Raging.  The song is all about the bluster and fury of the elements and then at the end of the chorus are the words:  they all shall sweetly obey Thy will, peace be still....

I love that idea of sweet obedience.  I've long maintained that obedience is a key element in our return to that place we long to be - after we leave this earth.

But sweet obedience carries the implication of much more:  a tender spirit, a willing heart,  a thoughtful  desire, a united mind and soul.  

What a concept - sweet obedience.  Again, something to strive for. 

Hair / church

Went to see "African Cats" today.  The Husband was a bit bored.  I guess I liked it a bit more than he did.  I kept picturing myself with some hair product that gives me that ginormous full mane like the male lions have.  Liked that mental picture.   Where can I get some?

Went to the Sat. night mtg. for Stake Conference.  The first speaker spoke about some miracles that have occurred in his life, including his conversion.  He called them "small miracles."  I've heard this phrase often and puzzled over it.  I, personally, think that miracles are huge - wherever, whenever, and to whomever they occur.    Perhaps the thinking is that the miracles might seem small to other people; not for this person.

I'm always on the lookout for miracles.  They can surprise you.  I've had a few.  Hope for more.


Had a hankering to make some bread.  (Yes, weird, I know.)  Didn't want to break open one of our storage containers of wheat, so bought some high quality wheat flour.  Apparently haven't forgotten how to make whole wheat bread.  YUMMY!!

Still shaking my head over the sweet princess (on her phone) nearly running a stop sign and getting visibly upset with us for honking at her (so she would stop and not hit us).  I hope there are angels in heaven keeping track of the times we refrain from letting fly with the random (though appropriate) swear word.

Read a book review where the reviewer complained about the abundance of parentheses in the book.  I am a huge fan of them.  (As if that weren't apparent.)


My heart is happy:  My Husband has arrived home.  I'll be able to sleep tonight, I'll enjoy our house more tomorrow,  and can face the weekend with greater anticipation.  Yay!!!

Our oldest grandchild received some fabulous news - she not only has a four year full-ride sports scholarship, but has also received a four year full-ride academic scholarship.  Huge blessing.  Those are the things to remember and hold on to when times get tough.

Head / Heart

Mentioned this morning to The Husband that my heart and my head are frequently in conflict with each other.  Does that mean I'm a split personality?  And which one should take precedence?

Tonight's dinner presented by Rumbi Grill, followed by dragon breath from the delicious balsamic dressing.  They should call it the dragon dressing.  Hope I don't breathe on myself tonight and keep myself awake.


Treated myself to a late lunch at Paradise Bakery this afternoon.  Couldn't bring myself to get anything other than "the usual".  Still....it was mighty tasty.

And while I'm not generally averse to eating out by myself (I've done it a fair amount), somehow today felt different.  I felt like I was the target of pitying glances, like I stuck out, like I didn't fit.

I spend too much of my life feeling like I just don't quite fit in this world.  I could list (and it would be a long one) the ways that I'm not comfortable.  That would most likely only re-emphasize the feeling.  I don't think that's a good idea.

It's probably that I'm tired - not having slept last night - that I've got a couple things on my mind, that I haven't been getting the exercise that I'd like (and apparently need).

So, tonight I'm planning to sleep, to turn my troubles over to The Greater Power, and be up in time to get in a bike ride.  And that will result in a happier day tomorrow.  It's a good plan.  We'll see how it goes.  (And Husband:  hurry home, I need you!)

And now I'm wondering where to enjoy lunch tomorrow.

Monday meanderings

A four hour lunch with friends was such a day brightener.  We should have stayed just another hour or so and had dinner, too!

It's harder to back  the car in the garage when The Husband's car isn't there.

Oatmeal for dinner - does that mean steak for breakfast?

Nyquil tonight, hoping for some sleep that includes breathing.  I'm a tummy sleeper, hard to do that when you can't breathe through your nose.

1 day down, 3 to go, I'm saving up some hugs!

Kick Me While I'm Down....

So this morning I'm standing in the bathroom blowing my nose - I've had this awful cold since we returned from NYC - and The Husband comes in and says, "Quick, look out the window.  There are elk in the backyard!"  I look at him, stupefied, wondering - until he says, they heard your call.  (The noseblowing - rather honking / elk calling!)

Then I get to church and the 2nd oldest guy in the ward, that we've known for 21 years, comes up to me and says he has an unflattering thing to tell me.  (That's actually been his M.O. for the last year, he's really losing his marbles.)  And he proceeds to say that just this morning he was asking his wife what our last name was because he couldn't remember.  Seriously?  I'm so important that he can't remember who I am?

Next Sunday:  I'm staying in bed...along with the elk.


Had to renew 4 (count them four!)  books that I have checked out from the library.  Gotta get those peepers reading.  The pressure's on....


So, it's friday night and we've headed off to the theater with a couple of friends of ours.  The guys have gone ahead to pick up the tickets.  Us two ladies are lagging along behind.  I feel this tap on my shoulder, turn toward the "tapper" and this strange looking guy asks me if my friend and I would like to see a movie; they've got two tickets they can't use and would like to give them to us.

Out of all the people walking by, he taps me on the shoulder.  What is the matter with people that they can't see I've got my "people block" going?

It was probably because of my friend, she's really cute.

One of the best ways to end the afternoon:  sweet hugs from a couple of the neighbor kids.  Loved it!!


Finally broke down today, headed up the hill to Walgreen's and bought some decongestant.  If the non-drowsy formula puts me to sleep, imagine what the regular formula would do to me.  Coma?

Breathing again:  that's a good thing.

An hour and a half nap (courtesy of the medication):  another good thing.

Teeth / head / sinus / ear-ache mostly relieved:  also a good thing.

I will survive.


Every once in awhile, when I get up in the morning, I expect to look in the mirror and find a different face there.  Someone stunningly beautiful.

Hasn't happened yet.  Still waiting.  I guess that makes me an optimist after all.


I've been fooling myself:  thinking that I didn't quite look my age, looked younger.

That theory was put to rest on our recent trip.  Not once or  twice, but three times people offered me their seats on the subway.

I must be officially old.

Only my body.  I'm still young at heart.  (If I was skinny would I look younger?)

Mother's Day

Received an e-mail from Amazon this morning that had suggestions for books to buy for Mother's Day.  This will be my first ever Mother's Day without a Mom to buy something for.  It actually hurts a little.

I know she wasn't a perfect mother, and my growing up years aren't remembered too awfully fondly, but somehow when your Mom is gone you feel a bit adrift.  I do miss her.  Have a happy Mother's Day, Mom.

New York City

This will be lengthy as I've accumulated lots of thoughts to express over the last few days as we headed off for some fun in the "City That Never Sleeps" - and how true that moniker is!!

Vacationing is fun - the travel to get to and from:  not so much.

I wonder if I will become one of those older ladies who travel alone (or in packs) who need help getting everywhere.

I'm amazed that all the stores around Times Square are open as late as they are - felt bad for the employees who have to work so late. (Loved the Fossil  and the Swarovski stores.  Didn't spend any money, though.)

Wednesday was filled with: getting computers fixed at The Husband's NYC office, walking across the Brooklyn Bridge (it will be a much better view when the construction is finished and you can actually see the East river as you walk along), gazing upward in awe at the beautiful ceiling of Grand Central Station, getting accosted by the lady singing for donations in the subway - as I was studiously looking everywhere but at her.  (Didn't she know I had my "people block" going?)

and seeing "Mary Poppins".  Fabulous!!!

Thursday we visited the Cloisters Museum, the (unfinished after over 100 years) Cathedral of St. John The Divine, trekked all around the Garment District looking for this one shop we never did find, had some great NY pizza

and saw "Wicked"!!  Absolutely my favorite!!

Friday found us walking all along Battery Park, visiting Ground Zero (there is hope in the air there) riding the ferry to Staten Island (and getting to be out on deck on the way back - loved it) getting to see the Macy's Spring Flower Show (if you're ever in NYC in Mar/April be sure to see it!) walking the paths in Central Park and wishing the Carousel was running (still closed for the winter)

and seeing "The Phantom Of The Opera" - great!  I'm glad you chose so wisely, Husband.

My legs are strong enough to use as weapons after the strength workout they got going down and up, up and down, down and up those stairs to ride the subways.

Subways are a great way to get around - but beware of stray backpacks on the floor, they can trip you up.

The Macy's Spring Flower Show should be considered a public service - as grey as the weather was and all those New Yorkers wearing mostly black, the sight of those wondrous flowers was totally a mental health boost.

I like being an accidental genius.  It's way better than a deliberate dummy.

I will never take my fashion cues from the women of NYC - either my tastes are totally different from theirs or mirrors are in short supply in NY.

Dunkin' Donuts is permanently crossed off our list of eateries.

Times Square is busy every night, but Friday nights one must be particularly aggressive to get anywhere.  It's not even shoulder-to-shoulder it's more like pandemonium.

Having experienced a wide sampling across Manhattan: they aren't big into soft toilet paper - more like shaved cardboard.

I made it through this trip and all the many miles we walked with nary a blister.  I have ALWAYS had trouble with my feet and blisters.  What a treat to come home pain free.

Messenger bags are de rigueur for a reason.  I was glad that I schlepped all across Manhattan with mine - my rain slicker was on, off, on, off and it was great to have a place to carry it.  Backpacks are much more cumbersome.  However, I should probably find one a more sedate black or brown to better blend in.

We didn't have the usual "adventure" in travel this time - although I was worried when the pilot warned us at take-off for one of our flights that we were in for a bumpy ride - thank heavens he was able to fly above the turbulence.

I like those Airbus planes - they are super-smooth.

(And the unexpected:  On the 4 1/2 hour flight to Dulles on Tues., and the 4 1/2 hour flight from Dulles on Sat.,  we sat behind the very same couple!  What are the odds?!?)

And now we're home.  I have laundry piled like the Alps, an empty fridge until it is no longer the Sabbath and  mail that is mostly sorted / dealt with.  I have slept the sleep of angels in my own bed, showered in a shower that's bigger than a phone booth and decompressed from the incessant noise of too many people living in too small a space.  Lots of energy there, but I'm ready to relax.

Thanks, My Love, for a simply perfect trip.  I'm so glad you found me, don't leave without me.

(Where's "Wicked" playing next?)


I've always been a reader.  I rarely go anywhere without a book in case I have to wait - then I have something to capture my interest.  Books have been my sort of "security blanket".

Based on The Husband's penchant for looking around and absorbing the world around him, I've decided that though I've read lots of books (and had wonderful vicarious adventures over the years) I've most likely shortchanged myself - haven't been as aware of the wonders of the world as I probably should have been.

That said:  heading off for a few days of R & R, my bag is mostly packed and I'm ready for some fun and unexpectedness.  However, I'm taking 5 books (with 3 more on my iPad) and wondering - is that enough?


I generally seem to take a break from this forum on Sundays.  Today, just wanted to put a couple things out there.

1.  Happy Anniversary yesterday, My Love.  42 years of "going together".  And still going strong.

2.  General Conference was such a tender mercy to me.  Can't wait for The Ensign to read the messages again, while picturing the faces of those delivering the messages.  I loved the last couple days, and feel vastly encouraged.

3.  Woke up to 7" of snow, broke all the branches on my one remaining lilac tree.  Not a tender mercy.

4.  Pres. Monson:  loved today's tie!


The best way to spend a Saturday?

With your Very Best Forever Friend.  And I'm so grateful I have one.  (Please don't leave without me!)

We watched General Conference, went to a movie, stuffed our faces, talked and still didn't get tired of each other.


Now I haven't been overly concerned with my eyebrows over the years.  They've been mostly well-behaved, required little maintenance and seemed to balance out the upper part of my face just fine.

Lately though, they are causing me some consternation.  They are growing all over the place - no longer shapely and attractive.  They look like some landscaping gone awry.  They are out of control.

I think I need a lawnmower.