Monday Morning Musing

Take home lesson from yesterday: a good accompanist is invaluable. (Lesson 2:  little kids are still cute. And lesson 3: absolutely nothing happened when I went to church without socks/hose.)

Had a restless night last night.: 3:30 a.m. - the wind woke me up, 87 degrees outside.  4:00 a.m. - still awake.  Still hot.  4:30 a.m. - still awake, still hot.  5:00 a.m. - still awake, still hot.  5:30 a.m. - still awake.  Now I'm not only hot, I'm irritated.  (If that happens again tonight, I'm heading for the chair with a book.  Not going to waste that time again.)

7:00 a.m. - woke up after a short nap.  60 degrees outside.  No wind.  WOW - I'm heading out for a bike ride.  (Along with everyone else that lives in my community.)  Loved the temp.  Loved the lack of wind - we've had such heavy winds & hot temps the last little while.  And all the fires have made the air smell so awful.  Didn't even smell too bad outside.  (Grateful as I am for my treadmill and elliptical, it felt so very good to be outside in the morning air again. Thanks, My Love, for air in my bike tires.)

Saw a few meadowlarks this morning, but didn't hear them.  I guess they didn't feel like singing. Watched a couple sparrows and finches have a drink and a bath in the rivulets of water in a garden bordering the trail.  Saw my 80-something-year-old friend out weeding.  She's amazing.

Decided that even after a rough night, and it being a Monday with a long list of things to accomplish, it was a great way to start the day.

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