Not Even 8:30 A.M...

and we already had a huge Tender Mercy.

The powder room "pops out" from the rest of the house - kind of like a "slide out" on a motor home.  That means the floor of the powder room is partly hanging out over a basement window well and partly just hanging over the driveway.  We've insulated that floor - even have 4" of foam insulation we've wedged between the bottom of the powder room and the driveway.  It works well most of the time.

I dusted the trusty weather station so it is easier to read:  at 7:10 this morning it was 1.9 degrees outside.

Trying to avert any crisis when it is very cold out we leave the toilet and the tap "leaking" in the powder room.  Have had those pipes freeze once before.

Alas, we neglected to keep the hot tap dripping.  And, yes, the hot water line running to that sink froze.  The Husband hustled out of bed and off to plug in a small space heater aimed at that section of the wall.(Wish I'd taken a pic of The Husband in his watch cap - it is a rare occurrence.)

Sure enough, about 45 minutes later the pipe was running freely and there (so far) are no leaks that we can detect.  I know those pipes can only take a couple hits like that before they are compromised.

My quick prayer for help was immediately answered.  Another of those Tender Mercies that some might think are small or inconsequential, but which I am ever grateful for.  Home repairs seem to never be convenient - timing wise.  This would have been problematic at the very least with The Husband starting his new job on Monday in CA.

Already today, my heart is overfilled with gratitude.  I'm beginning to wonder if there can be enough gratitude - not only in my heart, but in the world.

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