
The Husband patched my bike tube late last night.  Alas, when he sprang out of bed at 6 this morning to check on it, the tire was f-l-a-t. 

I called my friend to tell her the bad news.  Only to hear her say that she also had tire issues with her bike and couldn't ride hers either.
All fixed-ready-to-ride!

Decided to walk together.  Had a lovely walk.  Did about 5 3/4 miles.  Not only did we give our bodies a workout, but our mouths and minds had a lovely workout as well.  It's been quite a time since I've had such a delightful morning walk.

And tonight:  my bike is whole again.  We managed to find a couple replacement tubes and also had explained to us how to fix the inherent problem causing the flats.  Easy fix.  Only required about an hour of The Husband's time and a small bit of cash.  Did a quick test ride even though it's nearly ten and black as night out there.

And tomorrow morning I'll be most likely out on the trail riding along - enjoying the sunrise, the fresh air and the relatively deserted trail at oh-dark-o'clock in the a.m.  Looking forward to it.

Tonight's gratitude:  for a man who never wavers in the face of my every whim and seems to enjoy fulfilling them.  For bikes with full tires, tightened brakes and adjusted seat.  For yet another way to bask in the loveliness of this world in which we dwell.

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