Mind Meanders Mid-Week

So, we've had a young couple staying with us for a few days.  It's been delightful.  Last night they cooked dinner for us:  salmon, roasted cabbage, broccoli and chinese almond cookies for dessert.  How very fun.  She speaks chinese so she taught me something to say to my young granddaughter who is in the Chinese Immersion at school.  Can't wait to try it out!  I hope they've enjoyed their stay.

Yesterday I was asked if it's spring yet, if any of the willows have green leaves yet.  I'm happy to report that if we have another few days of weather like today, the leaf-ettes I saw on the globe willows this morning will indeed be full-fledged leaves. YAY for spring.

No Memory help here....
Read an article about memory.  A recent study (and is there anything in the world that hasn't had a study done?) showed that memory functions better in a tidy environment.  And further, if the mess was self-created even less memory function surfaces.  I guess that means I'd better tidy up my desk.

I pass the new middle school when I walk in the morning.  School starts promptly at 7:30 a.m.  I'm generally walking past between 7:50 and 8 a.m. I have yet to recall a morning where I didn't see a mother or two dropping off her child for school.  Yes, seriously late.  Appears some of us missed out on the promptness gene.

Perused the yard yesterday and discovered.....blooming crocus!  I so love flowers.

And I've been thinking about people's contributions to the world.  We all make them.  Good, bad, kind, indifferent.  I'm hoping that my contribution will at least be positive in some small way, that I won't leave the world worse for my having been here.  If, somehow, that happens, I will have succeeded.

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