Still Finding People Interesting and Still Liking Thursday

Why I have such an affinity for Thursday I'll likely never know.  I just like it.  Slept in a bit this morning which meant it was too late and too wet for me to walk the trail.  So, I'm still finding my treadmill to be an acceptable (and a luxury to have) substitute.

Future Peonies!
Since we're having such a strange spot of weather I decided to take advantage of the mild day and spend some time raking the twigs and leaves in the front yard.  We actually have green(ish) grass under the dead debris.  I even came across a nice fat (and I'll assume juicy) worm! And while I am just fine with it still being February and thus still winter, my heart did a teensy happy song when I came across these bulbs just poking through the dirt.  (Now I'm wondering if I've harmed them by raking up the leaf-covering-insulation.  We'll get snow and they'll freeze and we won't have flowers. Or perhaps not. We'll attempt a bit of optimism here.) There are even peony sprouts coming up!  YAY for lovely flowers!

Future daffodils!
Had to run a quick errand - which brought to mind the interesting people part of the day.  57 degrees out, the air barely moving so it's shirt sleeve (and for some flip-flop) weather and there's a lady in a calf-length hugely-puffy down coat buttoned up to her chin.  And then there was the teenager waiting for her driver amusing herself by squeezing pimples and wasn't she aware they were parked right by the door so everyone going in and out of the post office had full view of her self-grooming? (Or am I alone in thinking this is an activity best done in private?)

I like his philosophy.
Completed a project for a granddaughter last night.  Next step:  framing.  I so hope she'll like it.  It was great fun to do and I thought of her often as I worked on it. My next project will be Christmas gifts for a couple friends of mine.  We've exchanged Christmas and Birthday gifts so often we've begun to repeat (at least I have) items.  I don't think I've done this one before, and am actually feeling a bit challenged by the object.  But we'll see what happens.  I'll give it my best shot and maybe, just maybe, it will work out. (One of these days I'll get to the towels I promised to do for my daughter.  Gratefully, she's patient with me.)

I've been wishing for a bit of routine.  It seems like we don't get much of it.  The Husband works every day and I have a regular day for laundry - that sort of thing.  But really, not lots of the same stuff over and over.  Then I came across this cartoon the other day. Decided that Buckles has it right.  Too much mind-dulling isn't good. A bit of crazy is just right.

Today's gratitude:  for prayer.  For answers to prayer.  For a mindful Heavenly Father.

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