24th Of July

Which is a holiday here in the state of Utah.  Since The Husband doesn't work for a Utah company it's been a regular day for him.  I don't mind.  I'm not into self-punishment by attending things outdoors in the 98 degree weather. (And I'm so grateful for his job and the opportunity it allows for him to work at home.) It was 85 degrees out at 3 this morning - and I know, I was up at that time!  :^)

The rainbow looks like fire on the hills.

Headed out this morning to walk and spied this phenomenal rainbow over the south mountains. Pictures never (yeah, I know:  never say never) do justice to rainbows.  Headed over to walk a place I haven't ever walked before.  Thoroughly enjoyed taking a different path. It was still quite busy but had fewer hard-core bikers on their quest for an adrenaline rush speeding along.  More casual bikers in regular clothes on comfort bikes.  So a bit less stressful.

The Husband was given a mini-subscription to Graze.  Every week or two he receives a box from Graze filled with 4 small packaged treats - ordered according to his tastes.  What fun it has been for him.  This particular one is being shared with me (we'll both eat it). How gracious he is to share, and how generous (and thoughtful) his "gifter".

Read this quote the other day - and think there is merit in it.  "Just remember that sometimes the way you think about a person isn't the way they actually are."  --John Green.  I would do well to remember that everyone is different with their own challenges/gifts/talents/faults/personalities.  Was talking to The Husband just this morning and mentioning a person that I initially was negative about because of an opinion expressed by someone else. I've since done a total about-face in my feeling toward this person, I quite like him and indeed have some measure of respect for him.  I wonder if my brain / heart will ever retain all the lessons I need to learn.  (Some of which I seem to learn, forget, then learn again.)

Today's gratitude is for those incredible men and women who forged a path to a new place to live and settled this desert area and made it bloom with life and beauty.  They are an example.

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