Mystery Solved!

The mystery of the cookies has been solved and the cookies eaten.  Our friend apparently texted us that he left them on our porch when we weren't home.  Text never received (one of the hazards of having w-a-y too many numbers for people to keep track of).  Next time, he'll text me and we'll get the cookies when they're really fresh.  Although we didn't have any difficulty at all downing them even a day or two past fresh-from-the-oven!  Yum!

Spent a bit of time with our grandson and a couple of his friends.  He was just in town for a short time but we got great hugs and thoroughly enjoyed his visit.  We don't see our grandchilluns near enough - and they're all growing up way too fast.  I hope they'll love us and keep in touch when they (and us) are older.

Overheard in the grocery - a woman talking on her cellphone: "Maybe I should just stay married." That's all I know.  Still, though, it saddened me a bit.  It seemed to trivialize her marriage.  I surely hope she works things out for the best outcome.

Night before last I finished a book I loved.  It seems more and more rare that I find an author who 1) Can really write. 2) Keeps it clean. 3) Writes enough that I look forward to his/her books. This particular author does it for me.  I actually felt a bit of a let-down when the last page was turned, I'm always a teensy sad to see the end of a good book.

And fresh from the embroidery hoop (hasn't even been rinsed or ironed) is my latest project.  For Christmas I received a project I had coveted.  (Yes, on occasion, I do covet, try though I might not to.) It's a largish project and came complete with hand-dyed fabric, hand over-dyed floss, buttons / embellishments and of course, the pattern - which came in three parts.  I'm just itching to get started.  First, though, I had to finish up the one I was working on.  Haven't yet decided who to gift it to, or if I should just keep it.  I'll wait for a really good sale to frame it; I deplete The Husband's hard-earned cash with all the custom (translation: expensive) framing.  He's a great sport about it.

So:  finished the cookies, finished a great book, finished a project.  Now on to the next:  batch of cookies, great book and new project.  I love anticipating those things.

Today I'm grateful for finishing things, for new things to start, for hugs from grandsons. And for friends that bring us cookies.

1 comment:

  1. It is so beautiful! Maybe you would consider a bribe or offer to buy?
