
Yesterday's sunrise.
I love anticipating things.  I try to be patient in my waiting.  With varied results.

Then there's the patience that we exhibit with another, someone whose behavior requires some degree of tolerance, forbearance.  I also generally have mixed results in practicing this.

I have tried another's patience today.  And probably most every day.  Yet he keeps me around, even rewards me with support, both physical and emotional.  I surely don't deserve him.

This morning found me out on the trail again, loving the drizzle from the shelter of my slicker and the hush that comes before the doors fly open and the morning crowds descend to the streets.  When I arrive home The Husband always asks, "did you have a good walk?"  Almost invariably the answer is a resounding yes.  (Although I confess that my foot seems to have taken a turn for the worse again - though I tried to baby it by walking slower than usual.)

And sometimes I think I'm braver than I am.  I try to be brave and meet each challenge with nary a quiver in my lip / soul.  Sometimes I'm better at it than others.  Maybe I'm not really brave, just timid?
Today's beautiful sky just before the sun opened its eyes.

So, sometimes I'm patient.  Sometimes I'm brave.  Sometimes I'm kind.  And sometimes I'm cheerful. I need to figure out how to turn those "sometimes" into pretty much "always".  Thankfully Heavenly Father isn't finished with me yet.  Hopefully He won't give up on me.  I surely have some work ahead of me. I hope I won't disappoint.

Today I'm grateful for a husband who doesn't seem to mind that I try his patience as much as I do. Who ceaselessly pampers me and works for our united happiness.

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