The Last Four Days...

Have definitely been interesting.  We spent Friday evening at the Symphony - so loved the performance and the music.  Saw lots of people we know that night - which I always find so interesting.  This is a smallish valley, compared to the scope of the world.  The portion that we inhabit even smaller - there are lots of people who live here.  I'm always surprised when we run into someone we know when we're out and about.

Valentine's Day was satisfying.  I received some valentines and some valentine's texts.  Plus my craving for a Corner Bakery Salad and a Harmon's gelato shake were fulfilled. I loved it.

Prescription help.
Yesterday found me on the couch the entire day.  Poor Husband, it was a holiday.  Not only did he not get to recreate in any way, he ended up driving me to the hospital to see a dr.  Diagnosis:  acute sinusitis.  Result:  antibiotics and nasal decongestant spray.  I hope to never ever have a headache like that again.  (This is one thing I know about my body - whenever I get that particular kind of headache something needs a doctor's attention.)  Last night's headache was an 8 on a scale of 1-10.  After only one dose of antibiotic it is down to about a 4.  Huge improvement.  Stomach has settled down some and I actually got some sleep.

Received a visit from a friend and her Mom yesterday.  This sweet girl drew me a card, complete with a smile, and a piano and hug.  I shall miss seeing her in Primary.

And yep, I'm released from playing the piano in Sr. Primary.  With much sadness.  Our ward is large, my contribution small.  Someone else needed that calling more than me.  (At least that's what I tell myself.) I now join the ranks of those who go to church without callings - who attend because they want to be there.  That is really the best and most perfect reason to attend - because we want to. Because we know that's where we should be, because we have a testimony of the divinity of Jesus Christ and the restored gospel.  Still, it is nice to be recognized, valued and wanted.

Today I'm feeling much gratitude.  For the medical profession that has tools to alleviate my pain and heal the infection.  For a renewed awareness of the blessing of good health.  For health insurance to pay for the help I needed. For pretty daffodil plants.  For a husband who is anxious to attend to my happiness.  If it was required of him to move heaven and earth to help me I believe he'd figure out a way.  What a blessing he is in my life.

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