Another Week's End

And things feel a little less frantic and pressured.  We've knocked a few things off our list and added only a couple more.

Last night was our last Symphony night.  (We've opted not to renew our tickets this next season - too few things scheduled that we thought were worth the big bucks.)  We've become acquaintances with our seatmates; when the evening was over I was the recipient of a big farewell hug with admonitions to call when we'd like to get together.  How kind.  

Loved this view!
We saw the Midtown Men. A group I hadn't ever heard of before.  (Yes, displaying my ignorance. Haven't ever seen The Jersey Boys, not likely to, these 4 are from the original Broadway play cast.) But what an evening!  Their energy was palpable from the minute they bounded on stage until the very last farewell wave as they bounced off.  And their music:  songs from the 60's, the era of my teen years.  I knew nearly every word of nearly every song.  It was the perfect way to end our season with the symphony.

Today has been an odd Saturday.  Filled with errands and the resulting (though small) sense of accomplishment.  We took old fluorescent lightbulbs over to the recycle event at the city park, picked up some items we stumbled on that will make great birthday gifts for some special people later in the year, stopped at a garden place we haven't been to before.  And whilst there bought some lovelies for the yard.  After a Home Depot stop we were off for a mid-afternoon lunch at Corner Bakery, rounding off the meal with a child's size (though I doubt there's a child existing who could finish it, the portion is enormous) ice cream from Leatherby's that we ate (and had no trouble finishing) under the open sun-roof of the car.  

2 kinds geraniums, cosmos, alyssum & double-pleat columbine.
I overheard some teen telling her Mom she always thought greenhouses were called that because they had to be green.  We learned the difference between zonal and seed geraniums, and had our purchases at Home Depot given the checker's verbal approval. We saw some young ladies (all wearing the same color dresses and matching necklaces) performing some strange circling / touching ritual over their car before they then prayed around it.  

Last night we saw a whole bunch of kids downtown for some prom or other.  And mentally complimented a couple of the girls on their extremely lovely - yet totally modest - dresses. 

The blades of the family room ceiling fan have been thoroughly cleaned.  The curtains in the bedroom have been re-hung on a new replacement bracket (thankfully the holes on the new brackets were an exact match for the previous broken-bracket holes).  The window screens have been scrubbed and replaced back on their matching clean (though rain-dampened) windows.  The Husband has been w-a-y busier than I.  

I'm so grateful today for the rain.  I so love the way it cleanses the air and freshens our environs.  I'm grateful for a husband who doesn't balk at the upkeep our home requires, doesn't hesitate to jump in and get to it.  I'm grateful for annual plants.  Even though I really dislike the cost each spring, I love the punch of color that brightens our spirits just looking at their beauty.  (It'll be my job to get most of them planted this week while The Husband is out of town.) I'm grateful for a new book to read. For clean sheets on our bed.  And for enough things to do (and to look forward to:  BYU Women's Conference - Yay!) this next week to keep myself from being really sad and lonely. 

I'm grateful for music that makes my head and heart happy.

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