
So it's been a strange few days.  Aside from my aching head/teeth/ears it just seems like things are all out-of-whack. Surely it's just me.  Still feels weird.

Saturday it rained.  We puttered around and ran an errand or two.  Settled in for a cozy evening together - even after 45 years we still crave being together.  Sunday was a bit stressful for me having to sub on the organ.  (It was nice to be thanked even though she didn't even ask, just instructed me to take over for her.  Makes me feel like a resentful teenager.  Dislike that feeling.)

Picture 1
Our home teachers came and it is always nice to have them come.  Our new guy is all business.  They were in and out of the house in a bit over 20 minutes.  Left us plenty of time for a Sunday nap.  (And why is it that Sunday naps are the best naps of the week?)

Today we slept in, saw a movie with several of our kids, shared a meal with them (and how lovely it was to spend some time together) and then came home to picture 1. Yep, this is our mailbox.  And what is wrong with this picture?  The mailbox belongs on the post out by the curb, not sitting on our front porch with various pieces/parts.  Picture 2 shows our bungee-cord-temporary-fix until the parts arrive.  Bungee cord inventors:  geniuses!

Apparently the mowers (who I didn't expect to come mow on a holiday Monday) didn't see it. Sheared the bracket right off.  $150 for replacement parts.  The Husband's labor:  priceless.  I hope they'll man up and admit they did it and spring for the cost of the parts.  Not holding my breath, though.

Picture 2
I sat in Relief Society yesterday morning with approximately 40 other women, a place where I am often not at my most comfortable.  Yesterday though, felt a bit different.  There were 6 little ones ranging in age from 14 months to 2 months.  It felt like we were collectively one woman keeping track of those little bodies as they toddled around the room charming each of us with their smiles. Every one of us hoped for little arms reaching our direction so we could pick up and hold the sweetness for even just a minute.  Maybe next week will be my turn.

Sacrament meeting yielded a couple wonderful moments.  One of our new Elders spoke - he leaves for his mission in a week or so.  He didn't speak long, but closed with his love for his Mom, a totally heartfelt declaration that had more than a few eyes filling with tears.  He'll do just fine.

The other moment was our musical number.  A men's quartet sang a wonderfully complex arrangement - a cappella.  Note perfect?  Not quite.  Perfectly beautiful?  Absolutely.  I sat there and had my heart full of the knowledge that Heavenly Father approved.  That he rejoiced in those voices raised in praise to Him.  For me, personally, it brought the Spirit.  How blessed we are with lovely music.

And back to out-of-whack?  We've moved from our master bathroom to the main bathroom in preparation for the guys to come tomorrow for re-grouting of the tile.  (As well as a bit of other needed home maintenance.)  None of my stuff is where I'm used to having it.  The shower is different.  The blow dryer works different.  I'm totally disconcerted about how to do my morning routine.

The powder room is also empty for maintenance reasons.  Our handyman-guy will do his best to help us find the reason why the sink pipes in there freeze each winter.  I hope he's a good detective and that mitigation doesn't take more than the 5 spare floor tiles I have.  I'm not even remotely anxious to re-tile the whole floor.

I think this will be an expensive week.

I'm grateful today for being able to have some family time.  I'm grateful for someone to help us take care of our home (Family Circus comic strip says it's a house until someone lives there and then it's a home), I love being here.  I'm grateful for enough money (so far) to do that maintenance. I'm grateful for a bit of sunshine, a bit of chocolate and a bundle of bungee cords.  And huge gratitude for those whose sacrifice and service we commemorate this day.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder why it can be so hard to feel like Relief Society is where we 'belong?'
