The Husband Is Coming!

He'll be arriving home about the same time a predicted storm arrives.  I'll welcome the one and hope the other doesn't interfere with his safe homecoming.  It's quite windy and the rain/snow could be challenging.
Fun to receive!

Dropped a little Christmas gift off for a friend.  How nice it was to see her open the door and immediately smile in welcome.  It was a lovely way to be greeted and our visit was warm.

Much later, I opened the door to my friend.  She brought me a hug and this gift. My heart welcomed her kind words as she expressed how she enjoyed us being visiting teaching partners these last few years. Since she lives in the intact part of our previous ward, we won't be seeing much of each other any more.  This ward change is hard.  She'll likely not know how much her visit meant to me. (And the gift will go under the tree to open on Christmas as a sweet reminder of her.)

I often feel like I don't contribute much, don't have much to offer.  I lack so many abilities.  But every rare-once-in-a while someone says something that reaches down deep and I think perhaps I'm not so bad after all.  Maybe there'll be a spot for me in the new ward where I'll find a sense of belonging.  My heart yearns for that.

I'm grateful for kind words, for sweet hugs and for people who are generous with their essential goodness.  I still have so much to learn in this world - which makes me even more grateful for the patience of others as I struggle to conquer my tongue, my thoughts and my actions.

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