Sometimes I Feel Like Such A Doofus!

The other night I decided to emulate The Husband.  He has a trick of propping a glass under the water dispenser on the refrigerator and then multi-tasking while the glass fills.  Apparently I'm not so great at multi-tasking.  Roughly ten minutes later we re-discovered the glass, and the seemingly ginormous puddle of water on the floor.  I guess it was time to clean under/behind the fridge again.  (And I had a substantial load of wet rags to launder!)

That was one of those "don't get cocky, overly self-confident" moments that slaps me upside the head every once in a while - to keep me grounded.

And speaking of appliances - I fear this will be the year of replacements.  The washing machine not only makes disturbing noises, but now the "Max extract" setting emits that burning rubber smell that says "I'm not going to last much longer." Last week it was a completely dead tv - one that's been limping along for quite some time.  What a luxury to have those appliances to make life easier/more fun.

I've got a teensy bit of anxiousness going on - about teaching the Gospel Essentials class.  My first teaching experience keeps getting pushed further and further out, only intensifying my sense of inadequacy.  I had planned to start at the very beginning with the very first lesson in the manual.  I'm re-thinking that approach, since I have the latitude to choose.  Maybe I'll start with one of the later lessons?

Last Friday afternoon I tried my hand at the fudge.  The Husband has made two attempts.  We're apparently not great fudge makers.  And I really haven't the faintest idea why this idea of homemade fudge has so seized my attention.  I have never ever made fudge before.  It wasn't half-bad, even though I learned a lot for my next attempt.

Yesterday morning's walk was lovely.  The sunrise painted such pretty pictures on the mountains across the valley to the west.  The air was crisp and sweet, the horse actually ran to me for his carrots, I must have crossed paths with 15 dogs and every single one was on a leash! My foot didn't even really bother me. Yes, it was a great way to start the day.

I came across this quote the other day.  I love his idea of the sacred being a constant part of our every day.  Mr. Rogers was a true gem.

Fred Rogers

“I believe that appreciation is a holy thing--that when we look for what's best in a person we happen to be with at the moment, we're doing what God does all the time. So in loving and appreciating our neighbor, we're participating in something sacred.” --Fred Rogers.

And today I'm grateful.  For words that cause me to think, that cause me to change the course of unbecoming/unrighteous behavior, for words that promote/promise hope.  I'm grateful for the resources to replace those broken-down appliances.  For those moments that make me stop and live "in the moment" to pay attention to the here and now; to pay attention to those souls that are in my here and now.  And for those brief glimpses of heaven in my life.

1 comment:

  1. For everyone's assurance: Jackie's *first* attempt at making fudge was quite successful! It makes my repeated efforts shrink in comparison and I'm going to leave Treat Making to the Expert™ from now on. 👏
