In My Head

• I've been putting up the Christmas tree (and what few other decorations I do) today.  So I've been thinking.  A lot.  November always puts me more in a thankful frame of mind, though I try to be that way always.

New blooms soon.
I read something the other day where a woman was talking about all the things she's grateful for.  She included all the hard things, her trials and challenges.  The inference was that they help her grow and learn.  With that perspective, I should also be grateful for difficulties.  Including people.  Sometimes even the people you love (and hope they'll reciprocate that love) are hard.  Especially when it is made clear that others are (to them) the bigger priority - over and over.  The heart-hurting part is the little ones who observe and learn that some relationships and people are, well, unimportant and of no value (when maybe they should be important, too).  Yeah, that's a challenge that's hard to feel gratitude for.

• We watched a couple episodes of a much hyped tv show last night.  Yup, it's quite interesting.  But I'm still kind of shaking my head over some of the content.  It is billed as a totally family friendly show.  And this is a partial list what was included: much smoking and drinking by teens, tons of swearing (even by kids in front of their parents), teens making out in school bathrooms (really?), kids skipping school, kids lying to parents about where they're going and with whom.  I'm really on the fence about this show.  It was recommended to us by some friends in church.  I wonder if they've actually seen any of the show - or are just going by what their kids are saying about it.  We'll see if my opinion changes.
Christmas cactus blossoms.

• The Christmas cactus The Husband was given (actually both of them) are doing well.  He's got a natural ability with picky plants. The blooms are so pretty and maybe, a bit odd at the same time. I'm thrilled to see a new bloom stem poking up on one of my orchids.  I love that they keep blooming for me.  My natural ability is with plants that thrive in spite of me.

• And I came across this sign in the store the other day - I think it should be ok for me to be fat and jolly all year long.

I'm grateful for trying something new (for my own sake, and it's about time) and have it work out well enough that it will be repeated.  I'm grateful for thoughtful relatives that bring pie (homemade!) even when they don't have to.  I'm grateful for hugs that help calm an aching heart.  I'm grateful for afternoon walks in the lovely coolness of late November.  I'm grateful for ordered items that arrive on time and in gift-giving shape. For gift ideas that seem just right (in size, appropriateness and cost). And I'm grateful for today's slightly lessened stress level.

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