
So, is is theft when I pluck a couple flowers that are hanging over the trail (i.e. public space)?  If so, then I am an unrepentant lilac thief.  I don't often take flowers from plants along my walk way. But yesterday I did.  And today, eating lunch at the counter next to these lilacs, I couldn't help but take deep breaths - the smell is just lovely.  Will I be a thief again?  Maybe.  And I'm glad I did because today it has been snowing/hailing/raining/blowing and I'm thinking by tomorrow (if the sun ever comes out again) those lilacs I didn't steal will be totally bedraggled and done.

I wish I'd been able to be in attendance at the most recent BYU Commencement.  I read an article that made me want to hear those encouraging words.  (If I have any regret about life, it would be not having had the privilege of college education.  The Husband is always saying it isn't too late.  But really, it kind of is. )

BYU Commencement

I loved these words:

“Life is not about accumulation. Life is about contribution,” Foster said. “Remember, happiness is not measured in zeroes, but in relationships.”  (Bradley D. Foster LDS Seventy)

“Don’t be too anxious for the applause for the success, or the pity for the failure,” Foster said. “Remember, the common denominator in both success and failure is that neither of these conditions are permanent.”

“Never love anything that can’t love you back,” Foster said. “Remember, a distraction doesn’t have to be evil to be effective.”

Tiny rain beads on the leaves (thru the window) so very pretty
 But I'm grateful for the comfortable living that The Husband's education has provided for us.  I'm grateful for flowers picked before the storm.  For completing a bit of birthday shopping (one birthday down and five more (plus Father's Day) in the next 7 weeks.  If only someone would tell me what to get for everyone - that'd be the best gift ever!!)I'm grateful that our son and daughter-in-law just closed today on their house - yippee for them!  I'm grateful for a Friday-date-night movie - we haven't done that in so long I can't even remember the last time. And I'm grateful for a week (next week) full of fun teensy adventures: lunch with friends, a (hopefully) helpful visit to the ENT for The Husband, BYU Women's Conference and a birthday celebration.

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