Heard While Having My Hair Cut

"I am responsible for what I say, not for what you hear."

Loved it.  But then.....I decided that it is true, up to a point.  I need to make sure I speak clearly, kindly, with purpose, meaning and sincerity.  Then, the hearee will be less likely to misinterpret.

And still, I find reason to repent - on a daily basis.  I'm still learning.


Cheesecake Factory's chocolate tuxedo cream cheesecake is my new favorite.  Thanks, son, for having a birthday so that we could super-splurge on this luscious treat.

Another Pet Peeve

(And really - where did this term come from:  pet peeve?)

I've read a few books lately that are first books from hopeful "up and coming" authors.  And noticed this trend in established authors for the last few years.

The trend:  discussion questions or questions for book group discussions at the end of the book.  Now, really?  Hasn't the author already said what they need to say in the book?  Is there really a need to be further prodded, manipulated or directed by the author after the book has ended?  Is the author worried that we somehow missed the message?  Or that by some weird occurrence we might forget what the book is about between the last page and the page of questions (and our book group meeting)?

This one I just finished is filled with questions by the author that have left me puzzled.  The questions themselves are just plain incorrect.  Like:  throughout the book.....was referenced.  When in actual fact this particular thing was mentioned more like about 3 times - and briefly - until the very end of the book when this particular thing got an entire paragraph.  If the author herself can't accurately access what was in the book, well, it certainly raises some skepticism in this reader.

(I was so disappointed in this latest book.  I know the author.  This book has been hyped to me by the author, her mother and her stepfather for several years.  And I just didn't like it.  On many levels.  The characters were inconsistent (yes, I know people really are that way, but it's confusing in books) they were just plain unlikeable, lots of loose threads were not tied together, even the basic premise of the book was unpleasant.  I really, really wanted to like this one, but nope, just can't do it.  And I needed to say it, get it out of my system, but not where it would hurt anyone's feelings.  I really, really don't want to do that.)


what this little 4 year old said when asked what love means:

'When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different.
You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.'

My heart is grateful knowing my name is safe in certain other someone's mouths.


Come Follow Me.

Following after means the path has already been trod.  We can't go anywhere that the Savior hasn't already been.  Not only is this an invitation, I choose to believe this is also an entreaty, an appeal.  I believe He wants us with Him.

I'll have to adjust the mental picture I've always had when hearing this phrase - of me, half a step behind, with my hand firmly in His, eager to go where He goes.

Now I think I'll mentally picture Him waiting, just ahead with an encouraging smile - a hand outstretched just waiting for me to catch up.  It will be an eternal endeavor.


My Dad could grow anything - and he had lots of house plants and plants in the yard that really thrived under his tender ministrations.

I have several siblings who are profoundly proud of their plant prowess.  Me....well, not quite so much.

Therefore, it was with some surprise last night when The Husband asked me what was going on with one of my orchids.  This particular orchid was a gift from him (I guess most of my orchids are) that we had re-potted a couple years ago.  I honestly couldn't remember what color the blooms are.  And yet, behold:

As the day unfolded, so did the orchid, opening its pretty petals to provide this pleasant presentation. I haven't done much, just watered and fed and conveyed my pleasure in my plants.   This is among the best kinds of surprises.  Can I have some more, please?

Books, still

Decided to set aside some serious reading time this afternoon.  Never fails, get to the last few critical pages and ....

1.  The phone rings   OR

2.  The doorbell rings  OR

3.  A minor crises arises  OR

4.  Whatever -

(It's a good thing I don't read in the bathtub!)

I am now heading back in to finish the last few critical pages of my book.  Wait - I just heard the clock chime.  Seriously?  It's 5:30?  Time to fix dinner.  How did that happen?


Been thinking a lot about this lately.  Service is a good thing.  Heavenly Father wants us to serve.  However....I've been thinking about how He wants us to serve.  There are lots of reasons to serve (and good reasons):  to be obedient, to enrich lives, to further the purposes of God on the earth, just to name a few.

However, I've begun to think there is service done for the wrong reasons that accomplishes little to nothing.  I've known well-meaning people to go around "doing good" in the guise of service in ways that only salve their own ego and end up basically removing the agency of those served.

None of us has the right to take away another's choice. We should never force our will on another ("Plan B" as The Husband is wont to say) nor should we try to guilt another into doing what we think they should so as to have things turn out the way we want them to (or think they should).

I've also been thinking a lot about those who quietly go about being considerate of another, working hard to make sure their own lives are in harmony with He Who Matters and who don't "toot their own horn."  Those are the ones I call living on the side of the angels.

I know where I'd like to be.  I know I fall so very short of it.  Maybe that means I'm walking the middle line somewhere between the side of the angels and the side of he who rules Plan B.  This is one instance I'm thinking the middle road isn't a very good place to be.

I wonder if I could find an angel willing to take on this severely service-challenged soul and guide me down the right side of the straight and narrow.  I'll look for one.

They Heard Me Talking...

Sitting today in the theater (saw a fabulous movie:  Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - don't miss this one, but take a hanky!) and saw the previews for a movie that I know I must have inspired.

It stars Eddie Murphy  - it's titled 1,000 Words and I swear they heard me talking earlier; like last year or the year before when I wondered what would happen if someone ran out of words.  When the preview came on and we realized what it was about I nearly fell off my chair.  I so thought I had an original idea.

Can't wait to see how they handle it.  But I'm wondering if swear words count against those 1,000 words that Eddie Murphy has left.  (We all know about his potty mouth, don't we?)  I personally think each swear word should count as 2 words.


I'm still befuddled by a conversation I had with a friend the other night.  We were talking about fresh fruit.  She mentioned that she's so over the thought that trying out a grape or two in the grocery is stealing.  She has to see if it's good, doesn't she?  And if the fruit that she buys isn't good,  isn't the grocery store stealing from her?  And after all, if she asks if an orange is good, most likely an employee will whip out a knife and cut one for her, so sampling the grapes is just fine.  And if they want to charge her a little more for the ones she ate, she's happy to pay.  (But of course, she would never volunteer that stolen grapes are souring in her stomach!)

I have trouble with this on so many levels.  I avowed that I would never taste produce to see if it was good before purchasing.  This bothered her.  And very briefly, she hammered into me her opinion that it isn't stealing.  I quickly discovered it did no good to stand up for my opinion.  I let it go - I so really hate confrontation.  (Particularly when it is clear from the start that there's no winning.)

Still, though, I'm bothered by this.  And I know it isn't my place to convince her her behavior is wrong.  Nor will I try.  I guess the best I can do is to continue my own course toward personal imperfection the best I can.

But....I just got home from the grocery and I found myself surreptitously keeping an eye on the other shoppers to see if they're stealing lunch from the produce section.

Music / Piano

Tonight I'm feeling (again and it seems always) grateful for Heavenly Father's gift of music.  What a pleasure it is to press those black and white keys on my lovely piano and hear (mostly) beautiful tones emerge.  Those notes may be music to the ear but they are  also heavenly balm for the soul.

Strange Day

Today was filled with ups and downs and felt kind of strange.  I'd get all happy about something only to come crashing down.

My heart breaks for someone I love who is struggling - we've prayed for him for so long and pled mightily to The Lord in his behalf.  I hope he continues to strive and doesn't give up.  Our house may be bursting at the seams fairly soon if he needs someplace to stay.

I'm hurting for a dear friend who is still mourning the loss of her loved one.  That kind of hurt just permeates everything and for lots longer than we expect.  Hard to carry on.

Was nervous about driving to Park City.  Don't do it very often.  Wasn't sure I'd find my way.  Worried about the roads with all the snow we had yesterday.  (outside temperature this a.m. when I got up at 6:30  was 9 degrees.) Grateful I had a friend along for company.  (Actually, grateful to have a friend.)

Turned out to be a lovely drive.  The roads were dry although populated with drivers who seemed to have a death wish the way they were dodging each other and weaving around the semi's struggling to crest the hills through the canyon.

The sun was shining, the sky was brilliant, the wind decided to take a breath and not blow for a bit and I thoroughly loved the drive.

And - the best part:  my little field trip beyond my comfort zone found me actually acquiring the desired item - and at 50% off.  Woohoo!


We took another turn at cleaning our ward's building this afternoon.  I received a little gentle ribbing because it took me as long to vacuum just the Primary room as it took another lady to vacuum one complete hall.  (I  am aware that I'm not a speedy vacuumer.)

But...in my mind I kept thinking how much I like sparkly things.  And I guess in my own way I was trying to make the building sparkle for Heavenly Father, so His Spirit would feel welcome there - in part because of my efforts to make it clean and welcoming for Him.  I know it's a trifling thing.  And most likely a silly thing for me to be concerned about.  Still...I wasn't sorry to spend that time emptying wastebaskets and cleaning off chalkboards and their trays and vacuuming all the crumbs from the carpets (I'm still a bit surprised at the amount of food that is consumed in the building on Sunday!) and watching The Husband clean and disinfect the door handles.

And for awhile, I know that I'll be hyper-aware of things left on the floors at church, and I'll be picking them up.   I've also decided:  IMHO, every family should be required to vacuum and empty and disinfect even just once a year to remind them to be respectful, for all our sakes.


Ok, I admit it.  I'm a cookie fanatic.  Rarely have I met a cookie I didn't like.  (Which is why I'll never be slender and fit.  Life is too short to live in complete denial of all pleasures!)  Told The Husband today my all-time-very-favorite was shortbread....but wait, I like...and I like these.  Guess the bottom line is they're all pretty much my favorite depending on the day, my mood and how hungry I am.

Since I'm computer-technology-challenged and can't post a picture without help and my help is not here, I'll post a link to my newest favorite cookie.  Just disovered these over Christmas.  Stopped in at Pirate O's this morning on a whim and came out with some of these.  Love, love, love them.

 Award Baking International, All natural, finest quality products

Notwithstanding my love for cookies I think I'll head in for some hot chocolate (just the thing for this snowy, cold January afternoon - that and a book!).


Read this the other day:  Every villain is the hero of his own story.  

This has really stuck in my mind.  Kind of like everyone thinking it's always someone else's problem, or someone else's fault, or someone else's wrongdoing.  Never one's own.

I'm going to think on this some more and try to be certain to always take responsibility for my own actions and to not ascribe negative motivations to another's.  I imagine this might take a little more effort than I'd like.  

But one thing I've always admitted (even to myself):  that I'm a work in progress.  I expect in this life, it shall always be so.


Tonight I've been thinking about hands.  I love them, what they do, the way they convey....so much.

Watched a wonderful pianist tonight - the piano keys seemed like an extension of his fingers, so graceful and light his touch.

Like that I can create things worth having with mine.

Thought how I love holding The Husband's hand - as we passed a couple of older couples also clinging to each other.

Felt in awe of the emissary of Heavenly Father (Henry B. Eyring) who stretched out his hand to shake ours and greet us with some kind words as we exited symphony hall.


Trying to be careful here and not get all cocky - that's a sure harbinger of a come-uppance.  I do, however, find it oddly gratifying / uplifting / validating / encouraging to receive an e-mail that someone has "liked" or "commented" on a book review that I posted.

Had no upper level education (other than that thing called having kids) so consequently I've always felt somewhat insecure about my contributions.  (And why I try to be as anonymous as possible.) And maybe that's the reason it tweeks my heart just the teensiest:  someone liked something I had to say.  Kind of a "wow, maybe I'm not so bad" moment.

Can I have a few more of those moments, please? (I promise to do my best not to be cocky about it!)

Routine / Fun

I'm pretty much a creature of routine.  Haven't yet figured out if this is due to my nature or the way I was raised; most likely a combination of both.  It is laundry on Tuesday and Friday, clean sheets on Saturday, vacuuming on Wednesday and the weekend, handle bills on payday...definitely a structure to my life.

There was no money in my youth for those extras that are such an essential part of today's children's lives:  soccer, basketball, dance, craft classes, sewing classes.  At least that was the reason given us:  no money.  (As I age I'm fairly certain an underlying factor was that my Mom just didn't want to be inconvenienced.)  Whatever...we had no access to anything like that.

So I learned to find enjoyment from solitary pursuits:  reading, needlework, walks, riding my bike.  I discovered ways to entertain myself that didn't require anyone else and I've been pretty content with that.  Consequently, I don't think I really learned how to have FUN!

I always admired those mothers who created fun and joy in everyday experiences:  seeing elves fly past at Christmastime, leaving fairies around to watch the chilluns, excursions to enrich (we've not really had the cash for this kind of thing).  I wish I'd had the creativity to provide that kind of fun for my children.

Thus...at the advanced age of 60 I find myself wishing for more fun!  We've (particularly The Husband)  spent our marriage working.  The Husband is a beautiful example of persistent providing through His hard work.  And I keep thinking:  it's time for some fun.  I don't want this life to end without having had some wonderful fun memories.

So, I'm looking for fun.  Is there a class that teaches one how to have fun?  Where can I find it?  Think I'm too old for fun?  Definitely not - and I'm ready for more.


I've often called myself a hermit-wannabe.  Love to be puttering around the house, finding stuff to do and avoiding some stuff I should do.  Am perfectly content to be at home.  Am perfectly content with my own company, or so I've said.

Had a chance to be at home alone - yes, totally alone - today for about 4 hours or so....and I was miserable.  My Love:  please don't leave without me.

Must learn to be more socially adept.  Must learn to like other people's company.  Must learn to converse. Must learn....

We Had A Good Chuckle

When I read aloud the description of this new-fangled device to The Husband,

Always Innovating HDMI Dongle puts Android on your TV - SlashGear

 then remarked:

"The scary thing about this is that I understand what most of that is!"  The joys of living with a computer-electronic-gadget loving Husband:  one absorbs lots of trivial/important knowledge simply by the process of osmosis.

(And yes, I can program the DVR, play on the Wii, program numbers into my smartphone and pair my phone with my car - all without assistance - or at least very little assistance and only on rare occastions!)

It's Been A Year

Last January I embarked on a new way to do my hair.  Decided to change the length somewhat and the style quite a bit.  It's been a long year.  And I never would have imagined that it would take a year to do this.  I've worn my hair in the same basic very short style for 20 years and was ready for something ...different!

Along the way, I've managed to skip looking like a puppy dog (floppy ears),  I've kept it clean and mostly shiny.  I've had regular consultations with my stylist (but he and I do disagree on a couple things, and that's ok) and spent some quite frustrating days taking the long way around so as NOT to see myself in a mirror (more avoidance than usual).  I've learned new blow-drying techniques and that weightless conditioner is my friend (humidity never will be).

I've been told my hair looks "dowdy", learned that The Husband loves it tucked behind my ears and also discovered that most people don't really see me - or my hair.

That said.... I'm considering cutting it short again!  Or perhaps I'll color it - at least the gray.  Or maybe a scarlet streak?  A feather?

January must be the month of discontent.  (Even though I'm still working on that contentment thing.) And it's only the 6th!


I read this today:

Beauty fades, obnoxious lingers.

Maybe the outer beauty dims, but the inner beauty remains.  But those who are obnoxious usually don't change.  I'll go for the beauty - that inner kind that makes the outer visage better looking than it otherwise might.


Tonight I'm wondering why my tile floors feel so much cleaner when I use the steamer on them (as opposed to just using a mop and some floor cleaner).

Tuesday That Feels Like Monday

Because the Monday was a legal holiday.

So....I'm sitting in the left-turn lane at a red light, car #2 in line.  And pretty soon, the lady in car #1(a honking huge SUV) decides she's tired of waiting for the light to be green for her, so she just up and drives through the red light. I was holding my breath for there not to be an accident (I've seen too many of those!)

Take home thoughts:  I hope I will never be cavalier with the laws of the land.  They are there to protect us, but they can't do that if we don't follow them.  I decided that it's pretty selfish to do what she did.  Don't want to be selfish, either.

And I'm at a place getting a gift card.  I go up to the register, pluck the appropriate gift card from the display, place it carefully in the center of the counter and the sweet young thing (and no her bangs were not hiding her eyes) says to me,"what did you order today?"

Take home thoughts from this interaction:  I want to be more aware of people and my surroundings.  I don't want to look or act like someone who doesn't care.  (That's why I dress in clean clothes, wash my hair and try to be presentable in my presentment.)  People matter.  I want to take time to notice them.

And I'm at the grocery getting some chinese chicken salad for my lunch from the deli.  The lady helping me says, "that looks really good today."  And I'm wondering:  does that mean that on the other days it looks bad?  And if it looks bad, does it taste the same?  And then I'm relieved that I'm getting it on the day that it looks good, because then the taste must follow the looks, right?

As I'm driving around I notice people driving around with their windows open.  It's January 3 - and it's 50 degrees outside.  No wonder those humans want to breathe in the fresh (albeit exhausted tainted) air.  The sun is brilliant (sunglasses abound) and it's a lovely day to be grateful for the beauty around us. (I hope that lady in her SUV survives long enough to enjoy it!)


Today date is fun in numbers!

Today's fun beginning:  A walk with My Love in the early morning.

Today's fun lunch:  McGrath's - yummy shrimp salad and chowder.

Today's great find:  a new handbag!  60% off makes it an even better find!

Today's great ending:  The Husband has his new jammies on and it isn't even dark OR 6 p.m.!!


Love this quote from Emily Dickinson:

"The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience."

Ecstasy - come on in!!