Secret Life Of Walter Mitty

This movie was our afternoon's entertainment.  And what a joy it was.  Beautifully done, perfectly cast, wonderful message.  I can't think of a movie I've enjoyed more in the last year or so.

My favorite line (might not be exact, but I tried): "Beautiful things don't ask for attention."  Lots to ponder in that statement - could be some fun discussion there.

And I think I'll search out the original short story and spend some time pondering those words, too.

Friday Again Already?

The Husband has always maintained that the older you are, the faster time seems to go.  I often feel that same way.

Christmas has come and gone.  We managed to find some joy in the experience.  Expectations are always beyond reality, it seems, for pretty much everyone.  I hope, each year, to have no expectations other than to remember our Savior's birth that is the reason for this massive celebration.

We had to make a trip out yesterday to pick up a small something that happened to be at a store at a mall.  I was dumbfounded.  A total mob scene.  Not a parking spot to be found and walking through to our destination it was shoulder-bumping-shoulder congestion.

It made me sad.  The day before was filled with gifts galore.  And here we are, next day, out shopping for more stuff - none of which is really needed.  How grateful I am for that feeling of content I so hope for all year long.  We were able to see each member of our family over the holiday, and managed to (I hope) express our love for each of them.  That makes for a happy heart.

Pretty green growing things.
I have been invited to accompany a sister when she sings in church on Sunday.  It was with an apprehensive attitude I agreed.  She takes voice from the same vocal coach as everyone else in the Ward.  Once again I approach the piano with reluctance and dread:  her music arrangements (in this instance "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear") lack maturity, a pretty melody, support for the voices and a complete lack of appropriate interpretation of the entire song (lyrics and music).  (Not to mention how absolutely boring the accompaniment is.) This arrangement exactly mimics the one from two weeks ago:  same music, different words/song.  How I wish we could have someone sing something uplifting. Music is such a treasured gift from our Heavenly Father.

And how contrary I am: speaking all the time of gratitude and contentment and then in practically the same breath critically assailing someone else's attempts to enrich our world.  Not a good thing.

I received this pretty terrarium for Christmas.  I so love green growing things in our house.  Hopefully this one requires the same level of care that I am able to give it and it will thrive in spite of me.

Now, on to the rest of my day - puttering around here is my favorite.

Family Time

Here are just a few highlights from the last few days.

• Loved the hugs when the kids from Nevada arrived.  Balm for our souls.

• Didn't love the candle wax that was spilled on the rug when the candle warmer was jostled. (note to self:  don't leave the candlewarmer on when company is coming.)

• Wished I'd had a picture of the pizza that decided to take a flying leap and landed upside-down-half-on-the-oven-door-half-on-the-floor on the way to its baking.

• Decided that Scattergories is a totally different game when played with adults versus playing with younger souls.

• Broke my longstanding edict and rode Trax.  It was cheaper and less hassle to have 12 people ride Trax than to take 2 vehicles, find parking, pay for parking and walk the however many blocks it would be between the parking and the venue.  And it was fine.

• All 12 of us loved The Piano Guys concert.  They put on a great show.  I could see it again.  Thanks, Daughter, for the Christmas gift of the concert.  A memorable experience.

• Was happy to prevent The Husband losing his trousers when narrating the Christmas program by dashing home to fetch his forgotten belt.  These days we're not sure whether we are coming or going, let alone being sure to remember the essentials.

Lovely flowers
• A truly heart-warming occurrence: when our oldest son was leaving and he initiated our traditional Group Hug.  He usually heads for the hills (or at least mightily complains) when we all want to do a group hug.  Thanks Oldest Son's Girlfriend for softening his heart.

• It felt good to have three of our children with us at church.

• Was gifted a bouquet of flowers.  I so love fresh flowers in the house, particularly in the winter.  Lovely.

Annoying Rudolph
• Am by turns annoyed, irritated and exasperated by The Husband's fondness for this dumb Rudolph/deer.  It's been hanging around for several decades (was received as a gift when all the chilluns were little) - has been de-furred, thrown around, and nearly thrown away.  (I'm still trying to toss it out!)  Its music is abrasive and vacillates between being recognizable and sounding like a dying cat when the batteries are low.   Whenever it starts to look like it has finally gone to deer-toy-heaven The Husband pulls out the tools, disassembles it, works his fixing magic, and re-assembles the silly thing.  Still trying to figure out how to make it disappear.

• Decided to make it a fuss free dinner last night.  14 of us made for a full house.  Paper goods were the perfect background to a lunch-for-dinner:  make-your-own ham and cheese sandwiches, chips, clementines, and brownies.  Followed the dinner with a meander down the street to see the neighborhood light show (enough lights on that one house to power several neighborhoods) and it was a fine evening.
E'er They Drove Out Of Sight

• After another traditional group hug we stood in the driveway and waved as the truck drove our family out of sight.  Sighing that it was a great visit, part of our hearts traveled with them.  Drive safe.

• The bathrooms have been polished, the carpets sucked of their dusty debris by vacuum, the tile steamed, the washer and dryer have worked through the day, the application of wood glue to the kitchen table (how have we never noticed that it needed help?) is drying, the tv antenna has been hooked up and we are now jammied and settled in for a long winter's night nap.

It has been a good weekend.  One to remember with fondness.

My gratitude:  for the entire and whole reason we celebrate this season - the birth of the Savior of this world.  Endless, endless gratitude.


Today had a bit of unexpectedness.

• After working for a couple hours The Husband decided unexpectedly to take the rest of the day as sick time.   (Too much shoveling of ice and snow last night.)

• Decided to take a run to Costco (in spite of my vow to maintain a Costco-free perimeter until the first of the year) to get some food for the family that's coming in to visit.  Unexpectedly found a parking spot within view of the store.  Not even really hiking distance away, a mere stroll.
There's a robin up in the tippy top of the tree.

• Decided to check on a small treat The Husband loves but has been unavailable the last couple Costco trips.  Unexpectedly found it.  Yay!

• Took in a movie.  This makes two movies in a row (and we haven't seen very many lately) that have ended abruptly and unexpectedly.  Two thumbs down for that.

• Dropped a box of cookies off at a neighbor's figuring they could use it to snack on in the car on their road trip tomorrow.  Unexpectedly:  they were leaving in an hour.  Good timing.

Snowflakes would make more sense.
• Stepped out on the back patio to snap a picture of the lovely (previously MIA) sunshine.  Was barely missed by an unexpected shower of snow falling off the solar panels.

• And here we are - 9:50 pm and as truly expected  are in our jammies ready for a short winter's nap.

• Just had to take a picture of my boots.  They are fun boots.  I delight in the cute footprint they make although it still mystifies me that they are winter boots with fall leaves for footprints.  Snowflakes would have made more sense.  Still fun, though.

And tonight's gratitude:  for patience.  Not mine, because I lack in that area.  But for patience others have for me.  I need it.


I am recovering.  Not quite as quick as I'd like.  But progress is being made.  The Husband told someone I was "anxiously resting" which pretty accurately describes it.

If I had to be sick, today was a pretty good day to do it.  Power outages across the valley, 2 of 3 runways at the airport closed, snow falling and falling and falling.

The Husband spent over an hour this morning digging out the huge glacial moraine at the driveway entry across the street.  The snowplow comes barreling around the corner and deposits all the slush and snow that then freezes right in his driveway.  Which thaws, then freezes and repeats until it takes nearly a jackhammer's efforts to clear.

Thus, all the hard work and effort of this morning was undone in a matter of seconds by thoughtless, careless snowplow drivers.  (Who, by the way, came barreling through this morning when the streets were dry.  Seriously.)  Irked now, The Husband is out documenting the disaster with his camera afterwhich I imagine he'll send a scathing letter to the (deserving) city.  Yes, spitting in the wind it is. Still needs to be done.

I've spent the day lolling about in my jammies and robe, under blankets, soothing my throat with smoothies,  snoring through naps, and just generally pampering myself.  And already I'm restless.  Anxious to be "back at it". Tired of being indoors.  Even stepped out on the porch just to inhale some fresh cool air.  Good for me - mind and body.

Tonight's gratitude:  for the good health I (don't think I've ever and want to keep it that way) never want to take for granted.  For the magic of antibiotics.  For something good to read.  For someone who (as I read this morning) is my clown ninja (the one who makes me laugh and keeps me safe).  Thanks, My Love.

Wednesday's list:

This was my home for most of the day.
Strep throat.



No Kissing.


Warm jammies and blankets.

Early to bed.

Uh Oh....

The Husband came home from our trip with a bad cold.  Wouldn't kiss me for a couple days (even though I made him forget his plan) because he didn't want me to get his cold.  I kept telling him I wouldn't.  And I didn't.

Went to lunch today with a friend.  Came home, was home for about half an hour and bam!!  I felt instantly like I'd been assaulted with a virus:  instant sore throat, instant headache (I only get headaches like this when I'm sick) instant runny nose.  I think I have a cold/strep throat/tonsillitis.  Dangnabit!!  I simply don't have the time (or inclination) to be sick.  I wash my hand often.  That doesn't stop someone breathing on me (especially when most people seem to be taller than me and breathe down) or coughing on me.


It seems the last few years like this is the way it always is.  I feel fine.  Suddenly I don't.  It's weird how quickly it slams into my system.

Received this letter in the mail.  I don't know, it just struck me funny, I laughed all the way in from the mailbox.  A free-pre-paid cremation?  Just in case anyone is wondering, I don't plan to die anytime soon.

Received a phone call.  Someone has been asked to sing in Sacrament meeting in two weeks.  Invited me to accompany them, which I readily agreed to.  Alas, this person is also closely associated with the one who did the musical arrangement for the one I did this last Sunday.  Not my favorite.  I think I'm being tested here.  Hopefully I'll pass the test.

And...The only things left to wrap are the cookie boxes for the neighbors.  Everything else is done.  The vacuum has been cleaned (thanks, My Love - and yes the vacuum benefits from an occasional blast from the air compressor to clean out all the stuck on dust/dirt), the laundry completed, ironing caught up.  Deep breath.  Yes, I can (except for my stuffy head) breathe.

Today's gratitude:  for decongestants.  I think I'm going to need a fresh supply.

Myriads Of Things Running Through My Mind

And I imagine I should put some sort of filter on them.  Just because I'm thinking something doesn't mean I should put it out there.  But then again, isn't that kind of what this forum is for?  So, here goes.

We interacted yesterday morning with someone who appeared to have not one iota of a sense of humor. We barely managed to coax a smile out of him.  I puzzled over that for quite some time.  How sad for him to miss out. Humor/laughter/a-sense-of-fun is truly one of life's blessings.

I continually marvel at the creativity of people.  How fortunate they are to be endowed so.  Trying not to envy.

Attempted to banish thoughts of rejection from my heart when I found I wasn't invited to a party (one I have been invited to in the past).  Now, I'm serious when I say I'm anti-social.  I don't really care for social obligations.  But somehow, when you're invited you feel like you matter.  When you are excluded from such situations, you feel just that:  excluded.  Unimportant.  Not worth their time.  I so dislike the trend in this area of certain "classes" of women who convey the message that they are above the rest of us. The gospel of Jesus Christ is one of inclusion.  All are welcome.  All have a place therein.  I wish that philosophy were practiced more.

Went to the symphony last night.  I hope to always remember the sweet reverent feeling throughout the hall when the guest artist played Silent Night on his trumpet.  I didn't know that a trumpet could sound so mellow, rich, smooth and full.  Lovely.

To dinner tonight with some dear friends, and our son and his girlfriend.  Delightful.  And the food at Carrabba's remains a favorite of mine.

We have enough, and more.
Took a quick snapshot of our Christmas tree, remembering how I used to long for lots and lots of gifts under our tree because it meant we were affluent enough to purchase lots of "things".  Such a contrast to my present attitude.  I have come to believe Christmas gifts should be a token of love, not an obligation nor a competition.  I have always tried to find something meaningful to the recipient.  I am sometimes successful in that endeavor, and sometimes not.  How fortunate we are to live in such abundance.

Was totally touched by an article in this morning's newspaper by one of my favorite columnists.  He related an experience where he gave a candy necklace to a small child/friend.  How he watched her through a church meeting busily doing something on her lap.  How after church she handed him her project:  a thank you picture/note.  And when he mentioned to her that she hadn't yet eaten her candy necklace she said she wanted to say "thank you" first.  To render thanks before fully enjoying the gift is an awesome attitude.  And an awesome example.  At 62 years of age I still have much to learn.

Tomorrow morning will find me accompanying a young lady as she sings in Sacrament meeting.  I am on pins and needles for this one.  I have accompanied this young lady several times in recent months.  I have yet to like the arrangements she chooses.  Her voice coach is her arrangement composer; I dislike her style.  I dislike what she does to hymns and Christmas carols.  It thus becomes a challenge to me to impose a sense of worship-through-music when I play her songs.  The best I can do is be fully practiced and prepared, approach my playing with gratitude for my ability to serve in this very small manner, and pray that somehow Heavenly Father's spirit will communicate His message.  I will trust in Him.

And I have felt an awareness that as I often feel frustration and discouragement at the people around me, I must irritate and annoy other people as well.  It is an amazement that people get along at all.

Tonight's gratitude:  That even at 62 there is hope for me to still learn, grow and hopefully implement better behavior in my actions.

It's Thursday And....

I'm counting down the minutes till the return of The Husband.  We are so very grateful for his job.  It has been good for us in more ways than one.  The once a month trips into the office are necessary but somewhat of a sacrifice for us.  When I think back to The Husband's freshman year of college when he was in Florida and I was in Washington state and all the telegram-night-letters and pay phone conversations and daily (yes, absolutely, every single day) letters - I think it was a good thing we learned how to be close in spite of physical distance.  That has been helpful throughout our marriage.

Received this new clock as a gift.  I so love the sentiment.  A reminder to be grateful is a good thing.

Lunched today with a friend.  The Husband will never be surpassed nor supplanted as the best thing to ever happen to me.  There is, though, something about a woman friend that fills a certain spot in a woman's soul that enhances life in a totally unique and enriching way.  What a treasure to find.

And I came across this quote that I so like.  Recognizing and tuning into abundance translates into awareness of blessings: gratitude.


The house smells of freshly baked bread.  Comforting.

And tonight I shall once again be grateful for the safe return of My Love.  The world will then begin it's natural spin again - it seems to stand still when he's gone.

Feels Good

I so love the morning shadows on the pristine snow.
It definitely feels good today -

To have eaten quite healthy for a couple days in a row (Mongolian BBQ is a favorite!).

To have most of Christmas done, some wrapped and the rest not causing too much stress in my mind.

To have been to lunch two days in a row with friends and another lunch with friends tomorrow.

To have the house a bit warmer.  (Decided to not be quite such a scrooge with the heat.  My bank account won't be quite so happy, but The Husband will be.)

To have shared a hug with a couple friends who are dear.  We've weathered 23+ years together.  They get more dear with each passing year. (I appreciate their patience and tolerance.)

To have texting/email/voicemail/phone-calls at my fingertips to keep in touch with The Husband while he is gone.  I've missed him so very much.

To feel continued determination to prove to Heavenly Father I am worth all the blessings he sends in such abundance.  I hope I succeed in this continuing endeavor.

Today's gratitude:  For sweetness found in every day.


Yay for:

My smoothie maker.
sunshine that makes the snow sparkle

sparkles that catch my eyes

eyes that see through good glasses

glasses that are filled with yummy smoothie

smooth socks that comfort my feet

feet that carry me where I want

wants that are few and fuel contentment

contentment that is a tummy full of vegetables

vegetables and fruits for good health

health that comes from good food and sweet sleep

sleep that benefits from comfy jammies

jammies that help me rise with the sun

sun that warms my heart and beautifies the world

Yay can be another word for gratitude.  There is always,  always something to be grateful for.

Christmas Is Coming

Stopped in at a store this morning.  The lady working there asked me if I wasn't just super excited for Christmas, after all, it's only a couple weeks away.  How I wish I still had her youthful excitement and wonder for the season.  She could hardly contain her squeals of anticipation.
My lilac encased in ice.  

Saturday found us purchasing another small space heater to keep the cold at bay from the pipes in the outside walls.  The temperatures have been so very cold.  And while I hate to spend the money heating those walls, it truly is much cheaper (financially and mentally) than repairing frozen/broken pipes.

Whilst we were out, The Husband insisted (since he was driving - thus he had the power) on helping me with other items on my errand list.  I was saving them for today while he is in CA.  What a de-stressor that has been, to have those things taken care of.  And after this morning's excursion, the list is small. Manageable.

We are spending more for Christmas this year.  And seemingly getting less for our money.  The grandchildren are growing as do the cost of what we'd like to gift them.  And still our budget allowances are less than our desires.  I guess that is the cost of maturity - knowing the difference between desires/wants and needs/abilities. We decided early on in our marriage we would never go into debt for Christmas or birthdays.  And while we have smaller Christmases than lots of families, we have happier hearts.  After all, those gifts are all really luxuries anyway.  Just small tokens of our love for another.

So, I pushed the limits.  I got my jammies on before 6 p.m.  Only by about 5 minutes.  And it was already pitch dark outside.  No one is here to know but me (and those persons in Blogdom who stumble across my meager efforts here).  And it surely feels good.

Saturday's snowstorm brought an opportunity to try out the Prius in the snow.  Even this morning as I traversed an unplowed parking lot my sweet little car just plowed along like it was a sunny summer day (of course, I am a cautious driver). How grateful I am for reliable transportation.

Gift cards to Corner Bakery provided today's lunch. I so enjoy food gift cards.  Somehow the meals taste better when received as a gift.

Today's gratitude:  for Christmas funds that manage to stretch far enough.  For good health.  For my piano.

Friday's Thoughts

Those white lines: dryness
Every year I say the same thing:  I'm not going to Costco after the 1st of December.  Didn't listen to myself.  Made a quick run to Costco.  Was concerned when I rounded the corner and saw not a single parking spot in the entire lot.  Had to park out by the gas pumps - it only felt like a couple miles away. I'm thinking there isn't a single thing I need from Costco before January 2014.

(And on that note:  what's up with the price of beef?  Did I miss the memo that said the cost was going to skyrocket?  Probably won't be eating much red meat for awhile....)

The temperature is about 19 right now.  Winds at 16 mph.  Makes it feel like 5 degrees.  The cold and the wind just suck moisture from every single part of me.  And silly me, forgot my gloves. My nightly ritual includes the diligent application of lotion to try to mitigate the moisture loss.

Ran into some friends of ours.  The wife is from Korea.  She just returned from her annual visit to her homeland.  On her arrival there she discovered her 89 year old mother (she'll turn 90 in Feb.) was getting baptized  Our friend was there to see it happen.  Gives me goosebumps to hear such wonderful news.  Happifying.

This is only one of our switch banks.
Still thinking about a somewhat kindred thinker from last week's visit to Olive Garden.  After I declined the offer of more soup, I mentioned that I was....and she filled in,"content.  Content is a good place to be."  I so loved hearing my own sentiments easily and naturally expressed by someone else.  I think I shall always believe that content is a good way to be.

Received a questioning look from The Husband last night as I was standing in the hallway flipping switches and laughing (pretty heartily) at myself.  We've lived in this house for 12 1/2 years and I still mix up the switches.  Can't for the life of me remember which one goes where.

So love this quote.  Our Heavenly Father's great love includes seemingly endless miracles for all who live in this miraculous world.

“Where there is great love, there are always miracles.”― Willa Cather

Today's gratitude:  for laughter.  (And also for miracles.)

I'm Showing My Age

I've always heard it said that old people talk about not much except their ailments and the weather.  The weather has always interested me so I've talked about it a lot through my life.  Who can study the sky day after day and not be interested in what is going on up there?

6:12 a.m. and 0.3 degrees outside.
Today's weather comments are precipitated (like that wordplay?) by the cold temps we've been having. At 1 this morning it was 1 degree outside.  Since we have a couple vulnerable places in our home, we were mindful of them as we prepared to hunker in for the night last evening.  The sun is smiling brightly on our little corner of the world right now, but it is still only about 15 degrees.

I've been list making and planning and think that if I'm careful I might, just might, manage to get all the preparations for Christmas complete.  I'm sad The Husband will be missing any work activities/parties in CA.  But, we have our Christmas concert at the Symphony next week and that will help.

Out and about a bit yesterday I was struck yet again by the preponderance of fake eyelashes. I don't criticize others for their fondness for visual enhancements (fake nails/hair color/body shapes, etc.) it just isn't for me. (Mostly practical reasons - I dislike spending money and time that way.) However, the fake eyelashes are one thing that I just don't "get".  Utah's famously blonde population that likes to wear those black caterpillars on their eyelids just look odd to me.  Incongruous.  So there I am wandering the grocery trying to remember what I was sure I was forgetting and saw several women running around in sweats and exercise clothes, (grubbies we used to call that kind of thing before those clothes became fashionable), light colored hair almost past time for shampooing and yet there were those long, dark, thick eyelashes preceding them down the aisle. It's probably for the best that I don't "get" them.  I couldn't carry off that look.

Today's gratitude:  for working furnaces, down comforters, and enough electricity to keep the cold and discomfort outdoors and not inside.  (And mascara.)

Weather and Stuff

She said on the tv weather segment that yesterday we topped out at 60 degrees.  In November.  Dominating the news the entire day, though, was the impending storm that had everyone all in a dither.

Nearly a whiteout of snow.
The storm arrived on schedule and it has been a doozy.  I had planned to go to the grocery among other errands.  Along about 10 a.m. decided I was staying inside the whole day long.  It has snowed sideways without letup since before I woke this morning.

The Husband has been out freezing his hands as he removed the mowing deck and put the snowplow blade on his little John Deere.  What a blessing that John Deere has been to have.

And since the grocery run didn't materialize, we're having breakfast for dinner. Who can complain about bacon? I have also enjoyed my time at home today - filling it with laundry, ironing, puttering.  I even wrapped a couple Christmas gifts.

Now, those in more temperate climes can crow about how lovely their weather is.  I still prefer the definite seasons.  I appreciate the fall and spring more after a hot summer and chilly winter.  Like the earth, I need that bit of "down" time to be refreshed for the more strenuous seasons.

Finally, too, it begins to feel like Christmas.  The weather impacts us more than we think.

Came across this quote (again) the other day.  I so like the sentiment.  Finding joy in every day no matter how mundane is a gift.  How I love finding meaning in the words of others.

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.
Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Today's gratitude:  for my lovely treadmill.  And for The Husband who takes care of us through all the seasons:  snowplowing/shoveling, beautifying the yard in the growing seasons, and working his day job to provide the basics (and more).

Yay! for Monday!

Ok, so I'm trying out a little positive thinking there.  We'll see how it works. Monday, after all, can be a troublesome day.

• The funeral for our friend on Saturday was lovely.  The Husband did wonderfully when he spoke, as was expected.  He does have a talent.  I think the family was pleased.  And most generally, I think everyone was pleased that it was only 75 minutes long.

• Even though it is one of my favorite songs, every time I hear/sing "God Be With You Till We Meet Again" I come undone.  I simply fall apart.  Too many memories/thoughts of separations that just tear at my heart.  Silly me.

• We drove by the cemetery later that afternoon.  Even the gravesite was tidy and lovely with the casket arrangement proudly gracing the smooth dirt surface.  Those cemetery employees know how to do it right.  I said my private, quiet goodbye to Joan.  I will miss her.

• I've managed to acquire a few little goodies for Christmas.  The season has begun whether I'm ready or not.  My prayers have been that I will also acquire the appropriate Christmas spirit that is thus far lacking.

• Dropped in to Costco the other evening.  Intent on some more of that almond bark The Husband loves so much.  Came away without the bark but with another treat:  A BlendTec ("will it blend?") blender.  An indulgence to be sure.  But...I have been loving the eggnog smoothies we've made.

• The Husband brought in the tree and got it all set up for me whilst I was away this morning.  Laughter accompanied my return as I spied the tree with lights glowing on the top and the bottom layers with a broad swath of dark lights in the middle.  After some active detecting, we managed to get the strings all plugged in.  The tree is now sparkling merrily.  (And the afternoon's activity is clear to see: I'll be getting the tree decorated and the Christmas "up".)

• Was gifted some of these peppermint peanuts.  A novelty for sure.  I am nuts about the regular orange Circus peanuts.  These are a very close second in favorite.  (Clearly since the bag is nearly gone already.)

• People are certainly interesting.

• The first of the (for me) stressful days of the holiday season is past.  If I can keep my cool with all that's coming I will consider it successful.  Expectations are always so high.  Reality often conflicts.  Hopefully I can keep my perspective - focus on the most important part of the season.

Today's gratitude:  for enough, and more.  Such abundance is never expected, but always gratefully enjoyed.