Frog and Quail

Still chuckling over the granddaughter's first exposure to frog-eye salad.  She was pretty panicked at the thought of eating frog's eyes.  Was super-relieved to find it included marshmallows.

And I'm remembering those quail I saw.  They were all perched in a row along the top rail of the fence that lines part of the trail I walk / bike on.  Almost felt like I was passing a row of judges.  Or maybe old biddies.  I can just hear them:

Well, she looks happy this morning.
Or - She could have used a little more sleep last night.
Or - Wonder what song she's listening to?  Do I know it?  Can I sing along?
Or - She's been hitting the gelato a bit too much, needs to ease up.

Not enjoying The Husband's glee at my impending milestone birthday.  While I don't want to be super-trendy like the younger generation (and I know I've said this before) I refuse to be old.  I have a young spirit.  And I'm gonna stay that way.  If I have to throw myself down on the floor, hold my breath, and pound my heels into the ground to prove it. (Molten lava cake for lunch - the only thing we had for lunch - yesterday should prove I still know how to have fun.)



One of my favorite children's picture books is by Cynthia Rylant:  The Relatives Came.  Well, the relatives came, and there's a lot of breathing going on.  It must be good for me - I slept quite well last night.  (Or perhaps I was just really tired?)

Today's favorite memory:  watching a video with a dear friend of some old Farmall tractors square dancing (yes, that's right - tractors square dancing) complete with a dance caller, gingham skirts and spectators.  She was delighted to see it, and her delight made us delighted.


Finally put a name to a particular talent of The Husband's:


He has this way of being snarky and sarcastic at the same time.  Sometimes I wonder if he thinks he's being kind while getting his point across in a "dissing" you kind of way.  Usually it makes me laugh, because it's not full-on sarcastic (which I've already pointed out we jointly decided not to do).

14 days and counting.  Praying for no more hurricanes till the end of our beach stay.

Today's highlight:  chocolate-banana shake for dinner.


Friday's frustrations:

I like to wake up quietly.  Love the solitude of my morning walks / rides.  Prefer not to answer every passer-by who wants to perkily greet me.  Don't want to be churlish and ignore them.  But perhaps that's better than a snarly "good morning" in return?

Hate when the description of the meal on the menu at the restaurant doesn't include the fact that it (seems like everything) contains those nasty onions.   

Why can't I snap my fingers and have great hair?  My hair wasn't so bad when I was younger (and my face was thinner).  Now my hair is thinner and my face fuller.  Backwards. (And those gray hairs aren't helping.)

Road construction.  Everywhere... (what recession / bad economy?)

Angry Birds - new levels.



I inherited The Husband's previous (Christmas Bonus) phone when he received his new company phone.  I was reluctant because they're and boring.  (At this age, I'm all for eye candy!)

But, I've recently discovered an on-line company that makes the greatest skins.  The one for the phone arrived today.

Not only did I install the skin - and it turned out pretty well - but the thing that made me especially pleased with myself:  there was a code for a matching wallpaper for the phone that I downloaded and installed.

Not quite the technological wizard of most young'uns today, but a respectable showing for this (nearly 6 decades) old lady.

16 days and counting:  beach house here we come!


Today's thoughts are brought to you by:


Thin, double layered socks that keep your feet cool and blister free.  $11 / pair but worth every dime (pennies aren't worth much these days...well, dimes aren't really either, but whatever).

I now have enough pairs to last between wash days, and walking 5-7 miles most every day.

Love them.

(Now, wondering how to get paid for this endorsement?)


The Husband is waging all out war against the gopher.  We've had Truly Nolan out several times to no avail.  We've dug up portions of our yard.

Today's approach:  to drown the nasty creature.  We had water running everywhere.  We'll see what tomorrow brings.

It Started Out Like A Monday

And mostly ended like a Monday as well.  Basically sort of a weird day.

I read this:  "He never lets the practical get in the way of the desirable."  I want to know if the two (practical and desirable) need to be mutually exclusive?  Can't we have both?  (Yes, I want it all!)

Learned today that if I want a lot of attention from the employees at the grocery, I should be sure to use the blue shopping cart.  (There's apparently only one in the store - the rest of them are black - and everyone has a story to tell about the blue one.)

Vacuum cleaners work better when they're clean.  (Strange that the cleaner needs to be clean to clean.)

The actual battery in The Charger is in the trunk.  Remote jump-starting accessory in the engine compartment.  Who'd have thunk?

Phone and newspaper issues can wait till tomorrow to be resolved.  Perhaps Tuesday is a better trouble-shooting day.

Saturday Is A Special Day

It's the day we help unload moving trucks into a storage unit.

It's the day we run a few errands and spend more money than we expected to.

It's the day we stop last thing on the way home at Culver's for a frozen custard - and end up wishing the small size was smaller.

It's the day we put clean sheets on the beds and vacuum the floors and tidy the house.  (When we have time.)

It's the day when we fall into bed at night-time and snooze the rest of the day away.  I am tired.


Checking the 60+ age box on a questionnaire made The Husband grumpy.

Took one of those on-line age-related dementia tests (from one of our favorite characters:  Maxine).  Of course The Husband passed.  He'll not be getting dementia.  Apparently I've already got it.  I failed.

Took an on-line survey from one of my favorite clothiers.  Perhaps it won't be one of my favorites for long.  They were interested in why I hadn't purchased on my last few on-line visits.  Had to admit that one of the reasons is they're becoming too trendy.  I trend more toward comfortably classic.  Buy something once and it should last a millenia.  Don't want to be replacing things every 3 months (some people like that).  Hate to spend money.  Not big on shopping.

On Sunday one of the Primary chilluns said they must be talking about me when they mentioned gray hair.


almost at that milestone age - 60

couldn't pass a silly dementia test

don't like too trendy of clothes (they'd look pretty ridiculous on me anyway)

have that gray hair (and facial wrinkles) thing going

don't care to spend money (saving it for my old age)

Based on the foregoing criteria:  I must be old.

But:  I can easily walk a 20 minute mile (in multiples of miles, too), I can still ride my bike (multiples of miles there, also), I can play a computer game or two (even do some Wii), still think an ice cream cone (or gelato) is a treat, can actually text on my cell phone and can even bend over and touch my toes.

While I can still do that:  I am not old.  I refuse to be.

Thursday - Mostly My Favorite Day Of The Week

It didn't start out to be my favorite day.  The app on the smartphone wasn't working so I couldn't get an accurate reading of the distance I walked this morning.  Although I'm fairly certain it was 7 miles.

Then I had a party by myself (a pity party that is) while The Husband went to lunch again.  (Actually I'm glad he's enjoying himself.  Just don't want him to have too much fun unless it's with me.)

Been reading a really sobering book (true story) about an English bloke who was a POW during WWII at Auschwitz.  Snapped me right out of that pity-party mode.  Really, what was I thinking!?!

Tamale day at Cafe Rio.

Went to Hale tonight:  Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.  WOW!  Came out of there just floating! Saw one of our YSA's there - he's such a dang cute kid.  Couldn't believe how much I remembered the music - still loved it.  And especially loved the final coat of Joseph:  electric LED's in many colors.  Totally over-the-top.  Totally fun.

On a whim (being unexpected) stopped in at Arctic Circle on the way home for a treat.  The Husband topped off the evening with a brown topper ice cream cone (mine was plain chocolate).  Perfect.

Thomas Aquinas said...

That man sees the deed, but God sees the intention.

I wish that it were easier for man to see the intention behind the deed.  We're too quick to judge and too harsh in the judgement.  (Speaking for myself, of course.)

Better to automatically assume the intention is good, leave the judgement to our Heavenly Father and go forward with faith.


Here are a few thoughts from my visit with my friend / dentist:

1.  You know that water they use when they are rinsing / suctioning?  Why on earth isn't it warm?

2.  There ought to be a way to numb your mouth without needles.

3.  Why aren't those dentist chaise lounges built for (or adjustable for) height-challenged people? (My head actually rests below the head-rest - not optimal for comfort.)  And I'm surprised I don't actually pass out from being stood on my head in the chair for 40 minutes.

4.  Why do they either: a.  talk as though you aren't a sentient being (don't exist, don't have a brain, or can't hear them) or b.  ask you questions when they've got their fist in your mouth and expect you to coherently answer?

5.  That numbing agent?  Can't they make it so you can take an antidote and have the effects disappear instantly?  Kind of tired of having a numb mouth for most of the day.

6.  I've learned to make my appointments early in the day before the dentist's readers get splattered - when they're still clean and he can see out of them.

7.  Why do they all have these cheery receptionists that want to know your life history when you're numb all over, can't talk around your numb tongue and just plain don't feel good?  Politely professional should be a job requirement.  (Or perhaps the numbing agent should have anti-grump properties.)

8.  Jamba Juice (with protein) is the appropriate reward for suffering the indignities and discomfort of the dental visit.

Sunday Memories

Several things I'd like to remember from yesterday:

1.  The spontaneous hug between The Husband and the YM president after The Husband's setting apart to be the YM secretary.  Tender.

2.  The young ladies in the Violent 9 class in primary that we substituted as teachers.  They were absolutely stunning:  in their knowledge, their cuteness, their kindness.  The young men, almost as stunning; more mischievous - need more maintenance.

3.  The sweet smile on our ward's resident non-member (who attends every week, even without his member wife) as he was invited to sit with us - wife is out of town.  Thanks, Husband, you are uber thoughtful.

4.  The yumminess of the steaks for dinner, prepared by The Husband.  Food always tastes better when prepared by someone else.


We've seen quite a few movies the last few months:
Super 8
The Way Back
I Am Number Four
Rise of The Planet Of The Apes
Midnight In Paris
Captain America
Larry Crowne
Harry Potter (final installment)
Monte Carlo
Pirates of the Carribean
Atlas Shrugged
The King's Speech (cleaned up version)
The Adjustment Bureau
Green Lantern
Green Hornet
Battle Los Angeles
Fast Five
Source Code
Cowboys and Aliens

This list goes back several months, and is not comprehensive.  Most of these are pretty forgettable movies.  Although I would see Midnight in Paris again in a heartbeart. (And WOW - we've seen quite a few movies!  But it's still cheaper than heading out of town. And I'm mostly good with these micro-vacations.)

Today was the much-anticipated "The Help".  I loved the book, even though I didn't expect to.  Ms. Stockett is a wonderful author.  I had high hopes going into this movie, even though I expected to be let down.  Wonder of wonders - it fulfilled my wishes.  A wonderfully cast, reaches your heart, fairly faithful to the book 2+ hours of great entertainment.  Still don't like Hilly.  Still don't have to like Hilly.  Still am expected to dislike Hilly.  And still can see parts of Hilly all around me.

Makes me want to go re-read the book, and I probably shall at some point.  I do wish there had been a way to incorporate the last few pages of the book - after the novel where Ms. Stockett put in her own experiences.  That - for me - lent a lot of weight to all that preceded it.  But - that was the only thing I would have changed about the movie.

Finally - a great movie after a lot of duds.  I seem to sit through a lot of movies (based on comic books, or science fiction) that aren't really my thing.  But The Husband apparently like this one as well as I did.

Still...he owes me a lot of "chic" flicks.

F is For Food, Feelings and Fridays

Five Guys made for a fun feast mid-Friday.

However, after watching a Bear Grylls commercial it was determined that food consumption should never include food that's wiggling.  Eewww.

Feeling anticipation about the upcoming beach excursion.  Should be fabulous - if only the hurricanes don't attack the coast.  Only four fridays to fuss through.

Hon and My Favorite

My favorite part of the summer is right now.  I love summer meals of fresh: tomatoes, corn on the cob, canteloupe, watermelon, peaches, cucumbers - everything fresh like that just has a superior taste.  And somehow I feel so virtuous eating this way.

Stopped at the grocery for non-fresh items.  My interaction with the barely 20-ish clerk took all of 3 minutes.  I was called "Hon" at least 10 times.  Somehow it just seems wrong for her to be calling me (practically old enough to be her grandmother) Hon.   Should have called her "sweet-cakes" in return.

7 mile walk this morning.  Felt good.  Missed both groups of deer that I saw yesterday.  Wondered where they were - probably over on the corner eating the tassels off the corn waiting to be picked.  Loved being out on the trails before most of the other humans are awake.

Straight To Hell

What does that really mean, anyway?  We hear this phrase often, sometimes in the form of an order (You go straight.....) sometimes said in a mocking, humorous description of our own behavior.  And I've been known to do this - recently even.

But really - straight to hell?

I understand the road is paved with good intentions.  But how do we know it is a straight road?

And conversely, is the road to heaven straight?  If so, why don't we ever hear about going "straight to heaven"?  I imagine that road might be filled with corners and curves and perhaps even some detours. (Yes, we do hear about the "straight and narrow" way to heaven, but understanding the nature of Deity, I think He accepts some diverging - accompanied of course, with repentance.)

As I think this through I'm guessing that going straight to hell means straight.  Do not pass go, do not collect $200, just pass right through those wrought iron gates sentried with the horned demons and burst into flame.

Not something to aspire to.  And perhaps I shouldn't joke about it.  Still, though, I have been wondering.  And maybe there's a reason I'm not fond of the heat.  Maybe I should work harder to stay out of hell.

G. K. Chesterton

This quote is on my August calendar:

"There is one thing which gives radiance to everything.  It is the idea of something around the corner."
--G. K. Chesterton

Sounds like HOPE to me.  A sweet, familiar refrain.  And although I hadn't thought of hope in terms of radiance before, it certainly "fits"!  (Radiance is another of my favorite words - love the mental picture.)

And no cavities!  YAY!! (Although I have a misbehaving tooth that will at the very least have to have the filling replaced.  Perhaps the tooth is cracked - we'll have to see.)


Been thinking a lot lately about passion.  People have passion for all sorts of things - from food to sports to computers - to whatever they really really love.  I loved talking to The Granddaughter - when she was here - about volleyball.  It is her passion.  Her face just lights up when she's talking about it, and she's so looking forward to her time at college (Yay - volleyball scholarship!) and getting to play.

Been wondering what my passion is.  Decided I must have come to this life with limited passion.  (What little I have I expend on The Husband.)

Or - perhaps I haven't yet found that "thing" to be passionate about.  Do I have enough time left in life to find a passion?  Do I need one?

Walked on the trail this morning - decided to be impulsive and walk further.  Went for 7.25 miles.  Was already tired and it was only 8 a.m.


Best way to waste a couple hours:  Seeing Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes.

Best way to get a little frazzled:  Going into a busy store.

Best smile of the day:  Visiting our son and seeing him smile at us.

Best greeting of the day:  From the son's dog - still acts like I'm his best friend. (He doesn't seem to understand I'm not really an animal person.)

Best burger of the day:  Culvers

Best dinner of the day:  Fresh corn on the cob from the neighborhood farm - also their fresh tomatoes.

Best wishes of the day:  To the kind soul offering son $10 (and good on ya, Son, for setting him straight.)

Best line of the day:  "You're not unique, Mom."

Best way to end the day:  Clean jammies, clean sheets, tired eyes and good book.

4:53 am.

When the phone rings that early in the morning, it's not usually good news.  And trying to focus on the number shown on the caller I.D. is virtually impossible - even though I think I'm one of those people who comes pretty quickly awake.

We got to have a huddled conversation with the police in the street as they responded to the house alarm for our neighbors (they're both out of town) and we were left to report  to said neighbor.

Trying to get back to sleep at 5:30 a.m. with sunlight brightening the eastern skies is futile.

Thus, I headed out on the trail for my bike ride.  Thinking The Husband would sleep in and forgo the early morning wheeled battle against the wind.  He surprised me.  So we joined forces in our headlong pedal into the wind, no matter which direction we pedaled.  I ended up doing 16.6 miles.

And now, 12 hours later, I'm thinking my padded bike pants should have more padding.  (Or that I should be on my bike more often than (lately) once every couple weeks.)

People / Esteem

Heard this title of a book:

All The Wrong People Have Self Esteem

Don't think I'll be reading the book, but wow!!  Love that title.  Lots conveyed in those few words.  Really tickles my fancy!

Barely Past Noon / Missing

I've been to the library, the credit union, the post office, the DMV (renewing license on the Prius) and the grocery.

I've had complete strangers talk to me - not once but twice.  I must look like I need someone to chat with.  Even though my mind is busily thinking along without prompting.

I "won" a bouquet at the grocery for being some shopper on their 79th anniversary.  Yay, Me!!

I also walked this morning - did 6.3 miles on the trail.  Everytime I listen to my iPod lately, I listen to this song:

‪Brandon Heath - Give Me Your Eyes‬‏ - YouTube

I'm very fond of it.  Love the message.  Makes me wonder every time I hear it what I'm missing every day.  Who I should be watching out for, what I should be doing, what opportunity is passing me by because I neglected to reach out and grab it.  And I re-commit every day to be more vigilant - I really don't want to miss the important things / people / opportunities.  This song is a good reminder.

Wildlife & Quote

Back in January I was on one of my early morning walks.  Got to the end of the trail, turned around, and not 20 feet away was this amazing fox.  Since I had this new (to me) phone - it took me several minutes to fumble it out of my pocket, find the camera, figure out how to work it and actually snap the picture.  In the meantime, Mr. Fox was wending his way from me.  So glad I got this picture.  It was the last time I've seen any foxes on the trail.

Pursuing my goal of unexpectedness, this morning's walk was in a different direction.  Decided to head north on the trail.  Went about a block, looked over to the left and there in the field were about 4 deer.  This particular one was the closest and I swear he was posing for his picture.  He stood there still as could be.  I snapped this shot with my phone, people passed and still he stood there.  Looks almost fake.  But they were so pretty grazing there in the cheat grass.

Thought a lot today about hope and wonder and worth and goals.  (Did some hand-work so I had some time to think.)  And I came across this quote:

"Being challenged in life is inevitable.  Being defeated is optional."  (Roger Crawford)  Been feeling particularly low about a couple things.  Needed this reminder.  I refuse to be defeated by certain things.


I try really hard to not spend any money.  Then the mail comes.  And some other invoices come via e-mail.  And money just seems to fly away - faster and faster.

I've heard it said that if you love something you should let it go.  And it will come back to you.

So maybe I should learn to love money.  And perhaps it will come back to me - maybe even stronger (in more abundance) than ever?



Received a call today from a friend with an "invitation."  She had received inspiration about something that I need to (or should) do.

How kind of her to think of me.

But I think I'll stick with my own inspiration.

Still working on that "pure heart" thing.  Think it's going to be a long-term project.