
Out running errands this morning and ran into a gal I haven't seen in ages.  (In fact I'm fairly certain she didn't remember who I am.)

As has happened numerous times over the last few days, she kept flicking her eyes up to look at my hair.  They all might as well have a signboard across their forehead broadcasting their thoughts about the grey in my hair.

I do know that I'm going quite grey.  I do not intend to start with the coloring.  (I'm not big on fake anything.)

I don't want to color my hair.  I don't wanna.  I'm not gonna.  You can't make me.  Ain't gonna happen.   No, Ma'am,  no way.

On the upside:  I managed to snag a chocolate-frosted-chocolate-doughnut!


I guess if you're going to go to a car lot and test drive a car, somewhere in the back of your mind there must be the possibility that you'll be buying a car.

The Husband is s-o-o having a hard time saying farewell to the "cute" car.  He does love it.  But it's gone.

This car seems to be a compromise between a fun 'muscle car' and an 'old man car'.  (When it arrives.  We're driving a loaner until then.)

My thoughts:  I don't want to be buying any cars for the "next hundred years!"

Friday's Observations

Spur of the moment donuts done in the church parking lot (in the "cute" car) with the grandson made for an expected pleasure.  (I actually don't think I've ever done donuts in a car like that before.  Thinking I might have to try it again.)

Cocoa puffs eaten in a paper cup with a plastic spoon at 10 p.m. are carb-free, calorie-free and guilt free.  But not pleasure-free.

Kinda weird to walk into a day-care and see a kid, roughly 6 years old, playing the same solitaire game I was playing just before I left the house.  Either I'm a dummy or he's an advanced kid.  Either way, it's interesting.

Having a food crisis today:  I was very very good all week long.  So somehow, today I abandoned all sense of rational eating:  had two (count them) two pieces of toast for lunch, a square of See's chocolate - left from  my birthday, and still had to have something chocolate after dinner.  Mini-reese's peanut butter cups were scrumptious, but unsatisfying.  Needing that chocolate frosted chocolate doughnut.

My Prince

Got a fun, fun surprise this morning:  went to empty the dishwasher of it's huge load of dishes (at least a couple days worth) only to find My Sweet Prince had done the deed while I was off at book group last night.

Not only did I get to go off and have fun with friends, I came home to find my chore done, The Husband waiting for a book group de-brief and to a huge hug.

What a guy!!  After 40 years of marriage, I think I've come to the conclusion that you're a Keeper - in every way.

Now, I know that putting the dishes into the cupboards from the dishwasher isn't a big deal to a lot of people.  But...the bottom line message here for me is that thoughtfulness still exists.  I don't know what I ever did to deserve this Man, but I am grateful every day.

I thank you, My Love, and so do the dishes.

(Now maybe I'll get up the energy to go do some dusting....)

Love Those Jammies!

When The Husband asked me if I was changing into my jammies, I told him yes, this was the moment I'd been looking forward to all day long.

Think I'm going to be one of those old ladies who wear their jammies always.  I'll have my hair done, my make-up on, earrings, cute shoes and.....Jammies!  It will be great!

Hugs (And A Couple Other Thoughts)

I've never been a "hugger".  I've always been more like my Dad - reserved.  I don't ever remember my Dad touching me (except for that spanking thing).  So I've had to learn to hug people.  It's been a long and difficult road.

But I'm here to say that I'm glad I keep working at it.  Hugs from the grandchilluns are one of the very best tender mercies in this world!  And all our grandchilluns are fabulous at it!  And there is nothing to compare with the hugs from The Husband.

I try to remember how essentially grand those hugs are to me, and pass them around.  If I like them, others must, too.  Right?

Went to the Symphony the other night.  It was one of those rare occasions that sprinkle down in our lives when everything comes together just perfectly.  The performers were in top form, their talent superb (it was a sold-out concert) and the evening one I hope to always remember.  It was:  WOW!!

Relief Society provided a bit of embarrassing learning for me.  I went in a smitch on the grumpy side.  The person next to me knew that I didn't want to be there.  Then I was publicly complimented on something I had done.  (Years ago.)

The lesson:  Heavenly Father truly does know your heart.  And He doesn't want us to ever get cocky - in this instance, for me - wanted me to open my heart and set free all those unkind thoughts.

I know I can't promise to never have an unkind thought again.

But I can promise to do better.

And maybe next time my lesson will be learned, my attitude adjusted and my re-commitment can be done in a less public way.

I can only hope.


We've all heard about people who suffer delusions of grandeur.  Who think they're just fantabulous and ready for whatever honors the world will bestow on them.

Well, I read this, this morning:

Delusions of mediocrity.


But now that I think about it - it sort of works.  And ya, I think I've got those delusions.  Or perhaps those aren't really delusions.


The Husband took a sick day today.  He rarely does that.  Even when he's super sick.  He spent the day on the couch: reading, napping, reading, listening to me blather.

Said he felt lethargic.

(I think he has a bit of the restless-blues I've been having.  Symptoms:  not sleeping at night, wanting to sleep all day, wishing for something fun and unexpected to do, dreading other things.)

I can't help it - every time someone says something about lethargy - or feeling lethargic - I think of lizards.  They get lethargic in the cold and then get their energy back when it warms up.

No, Husband, I'm not calling you a lizard.

Just saying.....


Listening to a song this morning, about someone standing at another's grave and looking at the headstone, and thinking "he was a good man" got me doing some contemplating.

Headstones generally just have a few things on them:  a name -  or two, dates, and  possibly a quote or motto.  Nothing to completely capture the soul the headstone marks.

Wondered what few words I would like on mine.  (Already know some possibilities for The Husband:  "Oh, m-a-n" or "The Joy Is In The Journey" or "We Can Always Afford To Be Generous", just to name a few of the many, many possibilities.")

Can anything like that ever really depict a person?

I think it might be good to be remembered for:

Being Kind

or Thoughtful

or Unselfish

or Faithful (steadfast?)

or Good Sense of Humor.

Certainly I won't be remembered for:

My Clean House (dust free?)

My Great Looks

or (hopefully) Being Bossy

This year I'll join the ranks of those aged 60 (I think this might be a bit of a difficult birthday - I'm already fussing about it and it is months away).  I wonder if there's still time in my life to "make a mark" or develop something that someone could remember about me with a smile?



or FUN!

or Adventurous!

Something to think about, or act on.

Or maybe I should just be cremated.....


Wow!!  I didn't know I had that kind of power.

Yesterday I mentioned that I was always hopeful that someone would give me a valentine.

I answered the door this morning to a sweet young friend bringing me a Valentine's Day oreo ice cream cake.

My heart was warmed.

And I am a bit stunned:  I mentioned I hoped for something and bam!  - there it was.

I've always thought that HOPE was one of the most powerful of forces.  Proof positive.

Positive Part 2

I'm positive that gelato tastes better when paid for with a gift card (thanks, kids), shared with my BFF (thanks for taking me, My Love) and when you're eating it tucked away in a corner of the store so you can lick the bowl completely clean of every last speck.  I'm positive.


Today I'm positive about a few things:

I'm positive that a walk in the middle of the day with The Husband can sure brighten my mood.

I'm positive that even though I say I really don't do Valentine's day, I'm always hopeful someone will give me a valentine.

It's positively wonderful when someone thanks you for giving them a valentine.

I'm positive that I'll never run out of good books to read.  And that's a positive thing.

I'm positive that life's little things are often the really big things and I hope to never take them for granted.

I'm positive that a little shopping is a good thing.  Can I do a little shopping and enjoy it and not spend any money?

I'm positive that being positive is positively the best attitude for this rarely positive person.

Think Alike?

I thought this was really too funny.  At breakfast this morning, I was talking to The Husband and he said he thought he was being Annoyingly Adorable.

After my last night's post and how I was thinking/feeling, I was pretty dumbfounded that he would come up with this.

And in spite of my effort to be "just plain delightful" today, I think I failed.  Although I don't think I was quite on par with yesterday's "delightfully cranky."  Felt less cranky today mostly because there was so much going on.

So tomorrow I might try to be adorable.  Forget the annoying, just adorable.  We'll see.


It seems like ever since Christmas I've been sort of down.  I finally decided I must have a case of the January blues.  (Ya, I know, it's February!)  Kind of like the post-partum blues, only it's the post-Christmas blues.  And I admit:  I've been cranky.

Seems like things just irritate me.  I could make a huge old long list of things that have been irritating me.

But what would be the point?  It would just re-inforce my cranky "old woman" attitude.  And, frankly, I'm trying to avoid that.

Instead, I'd like to "turn that frown upside down" and find something delightful.

Of course, then I would be cranky about something delightful, but I'm thinking that would be progress.

So I'm going to be cranky about the lovely blue skies that covered me on my walk this morning.  And cranky about the deer I saw bounding down the trail.  And cranky about the 5 kilowatts  the solar panels were generating.  And cranky about the chocolate covered almonds a friend gave me that I shared with My Love.  Cranky about the update of Angry Birds that gave me more levels to play.  And cranky about having to go on a getaway (I am so looking forward to it!).  Cranky about finally, finally getting the data plan on the smart phone worked out (Thanks Husband!)

Delightfully cranky sounds so much better than irritatingly blue.  (I think next I'll plan to have a case of the pinks!)

Perhaps tomorrow I could be just plain delightful?

Valuable and Important

Today has been friday all day to me.  Yesterday was Thursday and tomorrow should be Saturday.  But tomorrow is really only Friday.  I should be excited to have an extra day to accomplish something important.

Have to find something valuable and important to accomplish.  Think that might be sleeping in, going for a bike ride, reading an enjoyable book (NOT the one for book group), catching up on some recorded shows and finding something chocolate (thereby covering all  the major food groups) to eat.

I'd say that about covers the valuable and important things.  Perhaps less important and valuable will be the laundry and vacuuming I'll squeeze into that overwhelming schedule.

Today I managed to clean the tile floors, disinfect the shower (sounds like it has a sickness, doesn't it?) and finish up my (mediocre) lesson for the YSA's for Sunday.   Thus relieving my shoulders of some of their slope-inducing burdens.

Saw some fancy new Dansko shoes in a catalog.  Maybe valuable and important might be finding some to try on...


Car / Time

It's amazing to me how much time can be spent in maintaining our cars.  We had to have The Hubby's car inspected and emissioned for it's license renewal today.  Including travel time, it took 5 hours!  And I won't mention how much per hour that was.  But considering that the car only has to have the oil changed once a year, that's not bad, I guess.

It was however, fun to spend the time with The Hubby.  We got to go to lunch, have a walk, sit next to each other and read.  I love this time of my life, with him, still feeling spry enough to want to do stuff...

And we get to do more of it tomorrow.  Yay! Fun!  Hope there's some time in there somewhere for him to get some actual work done.  We still need that paycheck for a few more years (like about 30?)


I wanted to make some promises today, in spite of my good intentions.

I wanted to promise not to complain about The Hubby's penchant for keeping stuff.   I saw something that gave added meaning to "pack rat".  My 27 purses, and 85 pairs of shoes don't even come close.  Nor do The Hubby's "bits and pieces" of stuff.

I wanted to promise not to get upset (again) about Trax.  The Open House we attended certainly made the intent to promise futile.

I wanted to promise to refrain from complaining when stuff bothers me.  That was a wasted desire.

I wanted to promise to make my "self-talk" only positive.  Not successful there, either.

So, instead, I made myself a promise to get out in the sunshine (particularly in the winter) whenever I could.  

To try to find something to laugh about every chance I can...

And to hug more often.


I put on a pair of jeans this morning - an old pair, that are comfortable and that I can move in, and bend over in, even after I've eaten.

But I noticed (as I remember I notice every time I wear them) that there's just something about the way they fit that makes my thighs feel  - well - fat.  Each step brings a friction that makes me think they're going to catch on fire.

Now, doesn't that bring a mental picture:  a thigh fire.

I think I ought to label these jeans, so I'll know to put them on when I'm feeling....friction-free.  (My thighs, that is.)

Is It Something In The Air?

Decided to forgo the movie today.  Went for french toast at Kneaders.  Wow - what a treat - albeit a 4,000,000 calorie treat.   Ran some errands, and also ran into some people we know.  Strange conversations.

Wanted to buy something - after waiting for half the day for the lone employee to finish up with others, he told us what we wanted was out of stock.  Those darn storms in the east are playing havoc with my plans.

At another store, the item The Hubby has been asking about (for literally months and been told for literally months was out of stock) was all over the place.  Needless to say we bought it.

Later, went for dinner at Mimi's.  Ordered the salmon provence salad - after a l-o-n-g wait.  The salmon was nearly salmon sushi - ugh!  It went back for cooking.  Then discovered the salad was missing one of it's key ingredients.  Sigh....

Ended up having the salad for free - even though I ate every bit (except for the missing part) and came home with a complimentary 4-pack of their trademark muffins.  Made me feel a bit guilty about eating the salad.  Ya, I know guilt is for sin (the willful disregard of Heavenly Father's laws) and it wasn't a sin.  Still feel guilt.

Thinking today was just weird.  It seems like everyone felt just a bit off-kilter.  Including me.

Dreading tomorrow.  Dreading tomorrow.  Oh, did I say that already?  Still dreading tomorrow.

Hold On

This morning I was out on the trail - loving being out in the morning when the sun was trying  to peek through the overcast skies.  Listening to my iPod.  I walked long enough to hear some songs I'd nearly forgotten I had.  Came across Michael Buble's "Hold On".

Got me thinking about stuff that it's important to hold on to:

True Love  (Thanks for finding me - please don't ever leave without me.)


A good friend

A dream....

A sense of humor

Chilluns, and


Inherited keepsakes


An outstretched  hand

A smile

And probably a few other things:

my favorite shoes  (all 15 pairs of them)

some important books

a stash of chocolate

But never:

A grudge

That twenty pounds I've been trying to let go of.

YouTube - Michael Bublé - Hold On (Lyric Video)


I think I quoted in a book review I did for Goodreads a passage where a character says she loves doors - that they lead to things and she'd never met one she hadn't wanted to open. I like doors, too.

Last year I had a Mary Engelbreit page-a-day calendar. I love her art, and she often includes a memorable quote. Every morning when it was time to tear off the previous page from the calendar I puzzled over what to do with it. Didn't want to just throw it away. I'm a sucker for "eye candy" like that - stuff that makes me happy just looking at it. So, I started taping them to the door of my room.

I didn't save all of the pages.  But I sure like the ones I did save.  I even had a few that I wanted The Hubby to see / enjoy / remember so I put a couple on his office door.  Thinking I like them there.  

Don't know how long I'll leave them up, probably until the tape either falls off or I have to re-paint the door.  In the meantime, I like it.  It makes me happy to see the fun pictures.  Both coming and going.  

Pastry and Sleep

Discovered something new today - well it's not new, just new to me: puff pastry. Filled with chocolate chips, brushed with an egg wash, sprinkled with sugar and baked makes a super-elegant delicious treat. I'm thinking of other stuff to fill it with. I'm thinking it'll make a great thing to serve for Book Group....if I deign to have it.

Picture this: I'm sleeping - it's the middle of the night. The Hubby is on his side, facing me with his arm up over the top of my pillow. But I'm asleep, right? I'm awakened by the sense of something in my hair. Of course, I tense, trying to figure out what it is. Barely stop myself from flinging back the covers, leaping from the bed all the while shouting: "GAH!!!". The Hubby has his fingers just brushing my hair, and he's moving them (twitching?) in his sleep. Tickling my hair. I just knew it was a spider! So glad it wasn't.

However, my heart was pounding pretty hard, took awhile for me to get back to sleep. And get this: He did it again! So tonight? I'm sleeping on the other side of the bed.

Restless / Grumpy / Cold

Feeling restless so I decided to head out into the world. Since it's Tuesday, I went to Tuesday Morning for the start of their latest sale. Although evidence shows that I'm the only person in the world who waits for the sale date to buy the advertised items. Thus....the advertised items have already been picked over. The result: nothing left for me to buy.

Which gave me the grumps. Actually it started when I went to the closest Tuesday Morning store to find it no longer there. So, I'd been away from home for an hour and still hadn't arrived at my destination. I so hate to waste things - gas, money, time, my good nature.

Decided to follow through on my attempt to get The Hubby out of his office and into the fresh air at least once a day. 19 degrees is certainly fresh air. At least we had the wind at our backs on the way home. Now my knees are chapped from the cold and the wind. Ya, weird, I know.

So this day ended up being a Tuesday that left me wishing for - I don't know - something!

Then, I found out that in spite of having a smartphone in my possession, usually in my pocket, I neglected to enter something on my calendar. And my plans for tomorrow are shot to heck.

Therefore, I shall go to bed, hopefully to sleep and contemplate a way to turn tomorrow into....something!